Admission change for Class of '19: you must indicate while applying if you are interested in Mendoza

<p>While at Junior Parents Weekend the last 3 days, I heard this during the Business School's presentation. One of the Assistant Deans covered it. </p>

<p>Basically if you are interested in Mendoza, you must check a box off while applying. If so, you could be accepted to ND and Mendoza, or you could be accepted to ND but not Mendoza, or of course outright rejected. </p>

<p>The School of Business if immensely popular, and they are choosing to do this to control class size and restore a balance between all the Schools in the University.</p>

<p>Excellent idea to help control applicant numbers to Mendoza. A student attending the University of Notre Dame should have an overall interest in the nature/mission in the university, not just want to go there for the business school ranking.</p>

<p>@lovenesweng On the flip side, if the applicant does not line up with the Notre Dame’s mission they likely won’t get accepted. But yes, I do agree that this is a good idea for the school to do to control the Mendoza numbers.</p>

<p>I wanted to add that while Mendoza has roughly 650 students per class year now, it will be trimmed down to 550-ish in the future.</p>