Admission Deadline? I really need some advice

<p>Around a week back, i decided to change my college list a little bit - this included ADDING vandy to the list. I submitted my test scores, common app and supplement on that day itself. Also, i emailed my guidance counselor to see if she could send her school forms over the holidays. Unfortunately, she has not yet responded.</p>

<p>All i need to send in still is my payment and all of the school forms (which only the guidance counselor can do). So, im worried i might miss the deadline of Jan. 3d...</p>

<p>Anything I should/can do?
Will Vandy give me a break if the school forms are a bit late? (school starts on the 6th when i can talk to the GC face to face.)
Should I pay now (and risk wasting the 50 bucks) or pay later?</p>

<p>Please Help! Greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>I’m in a similar situation.</p>

<p>Yes, ALL schools will give applicants the benefit of the doubt when the forms are out of the applicant’s control.</p>

<p>Go ahead and pay. As long as you have paid and your portion of the application is in, you should be fine.</p>

<p>thank you i just paid. should i write to vandy or something?</p>

<p>I sent them an e-mail.</p>

<p>I would email them as the above posted suggested. Go to their website and look up your area admissions rep’s email address. I would email him/her - this also gives you a chance to tell the rep how much you love Vandy since he/she will be the first to read your application.</p>

<p>I would go ahead and pay your application fee. Though it might make you look bad, colleges don’t outright reject applications that are a few days late. Still, make sure as much is submitted as possible before the deadline. Also make sure that you send SAT/ACT scores.</p>

<p>But anyways…doesn’t the Common Application “School Report” include transcript, guidance counselor rec, school profile, etc?</p>

<p>Just make sure you’ve definitely submitted the payment, the main application and supplement by the deadline. School forms usually get a bit more flexibility. As suggested by others, definitely email your regional admission’s rep.</p>

<p>thank you all, i sent them a lengthy email and paid up.</p>