Admission decision before April 1?

<p>D has applied to Rhodes--just wondering if we might hear before April 1, or if Rhodes waits to send out all of the decisions until then.</p>

<p>I believe my D got her letter right around April 1. It was the very last of all her decisions to come in. And the merit scholarship offer came some time after that! (It was worth the wait.) Good luck!</p>

<p>Oh boy was I hoping for a little different news. My son has applied there also and has heard from almost all other colleges but wants the answer before making any decision. Waiting is hard!</p>

<p>Another waiter here - D was on a preferred application list and has to wait like everyone else I guess, since we are hoping for merit aid and couldn’t do ED. Rhodes is one of her top choices, if not THE first choice, so she is being patient, she can’t wait for her overnight in a couple of weeks.</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK to all!!!</p>

<p>the decision for EDII applicants should already be out since Feb1 but how come I still haven’t got the mail? :(</p>

<p>Maybe for the admission officers’ mistakes, you have been put in the Regular D</p>

<p>My D chose to apply Early Decision II to Rhodes, and received her acceptance letter around January 27.</p>

<p>Best of Wishes to other Rhodes applicants.</p>

<p>If you don’t mind, could you give some information on her status as well as financial contribution?</p>

<p>Unsure what you mean by “status” other than being a good student with a challenging coursse load, decent SAT scores good ECs, Serivce Projects and Sports- Regarding financial contibution -we have not heard about any merit awards and have not applied for financial aid.</p>

<p>Any news on scholarships, rikitiki? The results must have come out by now.</p>

<p>Hey nguyenminhhieuh…</p>

<p>Didnt u apply ED? Any news yet ?</p>

<p>Sammy sammy. Ohhhhhh</p>

<p>It’s veryyyyyy nice to see you back after such a long time. I tried to send you a PM several times but couldn’t because CC had this message every time I clicked “Send”</p>



<p>Can you please give me a PM?</p>

<p>Hey… I cant… : ( … something I did changed on my options and have not had luck changing it…
I will keep working at it … so in the mean time… what happened with ED ?</p>

<p>Didn’t you get my email?</p>

<p>I did… and did you recieve mine too…??? I just havent had luck unlocking my message for CC. I replied as soon as read yours : (</p>

<p>I already replied to your email also. Check your inbox ;)</p>

<p>Home page of the Rhodes web site just announced that letters will be sent the third week in March - GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from Rhodes yet? The third week of March has gone by, but I still have not received any decision letter from Rhodes. T__T. What is happening ?</p>

<p>My good friend who lives in Dallas got her acceptance letter today.</p>

<p>Accepted, but from Dallas.</p>