Admission Decision Help

<p>Hi, i got waitlisted today. Any advice on what to do that would help boost my chances of being eventually accepted? Any advice is much appreciated as the U is my first choice and I've always wanted to attend there. Thanks</p>

<p>If you look on the UM forum, you will see that kids last year called them up, told them it was their first choice, they would attend if accepted and no fA required…full pay kids get taken first…</p>

<p>Good luck…</p>

<p>And if kids who cannot afford to pay full tuition?
Is it possible to be accepted as a waitlisted applicant and receive some scholarship money?
Does it make sense to pay an enrollment deposit?
What else can you do?</p>

<p>^^ after seeing this in many schools for many years, I have rarely if ever seen a candidate taken off of waitlist with FA…</p>

<p>Yes, deposit elsewhere…previous years have seen waitlist students plucked mid to late May…</p>

<p>But does it make sense, if even waitlisted, to make an enrollment deposit to Miami?</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the replies! I will make sure to call them and make it clear that if they accept me off their waitlist i will 100 % go and pay full tuition.</p>

<p>I’m sorry; I misunderstood…do you mean you were offered Spring? Yes, absolutely deposit to Miami…</p>

<p>I know at least 3 kids last year who were moved to Fall AFTER they deposited…let them know you would move if asked…</p>

<p>Congrats on getting wait listed! I know it may not seem that great but you have a chance at UM and many other students got rejected. I’d call and write an email expressing your further interest and saying that you would not require financial aid. Maybe you can even book an appointment with an admissions officer to discuss what to do and to express your interest (although I’d only encourage this if you live in the area of UM). </p>

<p>Goodluck and I hope you get in!</p>