<p>BC says that they will release Regular Decisions between March 15 and April 15. Two questions:</p>
<li><p>What determines whether your decision is made by March 15 vs. a month later?</p></li>
<li><p>How will BC notify? (letter, email, online Agora system, etc.?)</p></li>
<p>snail mail, i believe… but i’ve seen some posts about EA acceptances and how agora had a financial aid award? i don’t know how/if that’s related to acceptance…</p>
<p>BC still uses snail mail only for its accept/deny notifications. </p>
<p>It says it will notify applicants “prior to April 15” which just means that April 15 is the last possible date it will mail out the decision letters. It could be several days – or weeks – earlier than that date. </p>
<p>When the letters actually go out depends upon when they get done reading all the applications, making a decision on each one, and handling the paperwork. Nothing goes out (other than EA, of course) until all of the decisions have been made. The letters are then mailed out in batches over a couple of days.</p>
<p>The first package I received was from BC at the end of March. I believe BC sends their mail out in waves/batches, so don’t get anxious when you read people on here or know people at home who have already received their decision when you have not received anything yet.</p>