<p>So some admission decisions are released beginning March 1...so tomorrow! I beleive that is what the Uc website said, am I incorrect? The wait is over!</p>
<p>Berkeley is usually the last to notify unless you’re super. So expect somewhere around the 27-30th of march</p>
<p>im guessing this thread is going to get some 100 views in the next hour</p>
<p>lol, way to psych out the poor HS seniors who are probably on the edge of their seats, not able to do anything else (me last year ;)) and got excited seeing this</p>
<p>ya I def. agree with 88. Berk was pretty slow (though my last one was from a private), second to last to come for me. Good luck kids and enjoy second semester whether you got in or not.</p>
<p>I didn’t realize how soon it was! March 1st will be fast, but March 26th couldn’t come sooner. Wow, this month is going to be…fun/interesting/nerve wrecking/[fill in the blank].</p>
<p>I’m excited for those who are coming here.</p>
<p>most ppl will probably get their decision in late march. </p>
<p>good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>rather tearful for my year. (not me…haha i had some other things going for me ;D) a lot of the top 10 students in my class didn’t get in to where they wanted…at least not at first.</p>
<p>Log in to your myBerkeley account. it will tell you when your admission decision will be posted.</p>
<p>Don’t get upset if you don’t receive your decision by the first week of March. UC Berkeley states that they do not post admission decisions until March 26th. It is earlier for some UC schools, but not all UC schools release admission decisions on the same date.</p>
<p>oh man this brings back memories… checking my status on myberkeley account in late march was undoubtedly one of the happiest days of my life, i’ll never forget it.
good luck!</p>
<p>so are some decisions being released before the stated “march 26th” date? Are they going to be online if they’re early?</p>
<p>That usually means <em>by</em> March 26, as in, they will definitely release on or before 3/26.</p>
<p>“Decisions will be available the evening of 3/26/2009”</p>
<p>Not BY 3/26… but it would be really nice if they released them soon!</p>
<p>To the OP: where did you find that it says they’ll release them March 1?</p>
<p>i think maybe he meant the UC’s in general begin now?</p>
<p>Well, Irvine already released some decisions, so not all UCs wait until March.</p>
<p>Yah on the general UC website it says they start march 1. Does anyone know aout Ucla or ucsd?</p>
<p>Someone told me this "i got into Berkeley last year, and i believe it was March 1st that I got a likely letter. Have to check my records, not too sure " So maybe march 2?</p>
<p>Not certain, but I think UCLA is about the same time as Berkeley- very late March.</p>
<p>does this pertain to HS students only? I’m a transfer student and I’m supposed to hear from berkeley on the evening of april 30.</p>
<p>I don’t know why you guys are freakin’ out. It’s LATE MARCH!!! That person probably got Regents. No, they’re not going to secretly have someone’s results up while others aren’t. Just be patient. This thread should be locked or something. The same for other posts where if you got an email/attended a webinar, you got bonus points for admission. There’s no secret, mystical procedure to admissions. If Berkeley gave you a date, it’s most likely that date.</p>