Admission Possibly Revoked?

<p>Hey guys I have a quick question. On my UC application, I said that my summer school was on the semester system. However, now that I am looking at my official transcript from my primary high school, my primary high school has listed the grade as one total grade (10 units) instead of five units for the first semester and five units for the second semester. The grades are still the same and they do not affect the gpa in a negative way. To illustrate, I said how I took algebra 2 during summer school and received a B first semester (5 units) and a B second semester (5 units). On my primary official high school transcript, it lists the course as a single entity in receiving a B (10 units). Do you think this is a major issue. Thanks for your time. </p>


<p>Not an issue. Class is done, credits and GPA same. Sometimes things don’t fit perfectly into the lines or boxes of the application, they aren’t worried about that. Relax, all good.</p>

<p>Alright thank u so much, it’s relieving, do u think I should report it tho to admissions or just leave it alone ?</p>



<p>Just saw this, sorry for slow repsonse. I really wouldn’t, net effect is the same. You represented it how you thought it should be, a class this is normally two semesters, you just broke it down. I think we have done something similar in past applications cause it made sense that way. But credits, GPA the same. You didn’t misrepresent anything and I don’t see it being brought up, but if it ever would, it makes complete sense what you did and they would see that. Admissions people are there to help, not to keep students from things. The people in admissions have bigger fish to fry and plenty to do than to microscope something like this. I really believe you are good.</p>

<p>Just to confirm so you have two opinions, leave this be. It is a non-issue, totally. Don’t do anything.</p>