Admission process

<p>Hey,Everyone. I am wondering about how the admission works in those ivy league colleges? For Columbia, is that once they receive your application and other credentials, they will just start reviewing? But I thought they would wait unitl everyone handed in their stuff by the regular deadline, and then they will review together, because otherwise, how could they just pick one so immediately without comparing the others. If one extremely good student handed in his/her stuff later than the others before the deadline, but some spots have already been taken, the chance would then be little for him/her, and it's a loss to the school. So do they review once they get your stuff and make decisions immediately or wait until all the applications and stuff are in by the deadline?</p>

<p>I’m not sure exactly how they do it (though there are a lot of books and articles that deal with this issue, A for Admission by Michelle Hernandez is an interesting read) but the bottom line is that as long as you turn in your app before the deadline you will not be at a disadvantage.</p>

<p>They don’t even start reading apps until a week or so after the deadline; the first week after the deadline is devoted to getting all the paperwork together and things like that.</p>

<p>idk exactly, but my interviewer said something about how the applications are read several times by different region admission people (depending where you live) and then those admissions officers present your application to the main admissions committee… or something like that. so i guess its been read, but probably not yet by the main people or where they actually make a decision.</p>

<p>ook, coz I am worried if I hand in my applications stuff late, will it hurt my chance?</p>

<p>^if you define “late” as after the deadline, it probably isn’t a good idea lol.</p>

<p>^But if you define “late” as 11:59 pm right before the deadline, it actually doesn’t make a difference.</p>

<p>well, of course i mean before the deadline, like a week before.</p>

<p>All you need to know is that you won’t be prejudiced if you apply right before the deadline, and you don’t help your chances by applying far in advance.</p>

<p>ook, coz my mom is always telling me to apply early and she said they won’t look at your applications if they get enough people. I was always trying to convince her that they will look at all the applications as long as I hand in on time. uggghh…</p>

<p>And can my teachers send them transcript and letters of recomendation before I submit my applicaiton online?</p>

<p>MIA6…yes, as long as everything is sent/ postmarked by the deadline (or the first business day thereafter)</p>

<p>I was worried that if they didn’t get your application, but they received your transcript and recommendations first, they would be like: who is this for??? We didn’t even get her application yet?</p>

<p>No. They just start a file for you. How do you think they keep track of your SAT scores throughout high school? Anyway, no worries.</p>