Admission requirements and AP credit

<p>My son is a high school junior and very interested in applying to the University of Alabama to study political science. I checked the U.A. admission requirements and it seems that if he completes the a-g requirements for college entrance in California they should cover the requirements for Alabama also. I wondered about “one year of computer literacy” however. DS passed multimedia/web in his freshman year is that sufficient or should he take another computer course in his senior year? Also, he was considering taking AP Environmental Science but I notice that it is not listed for AP credit on the UA website. This is not a huge deal since all the other AP courses he has taken/will take are listed but I was wondering why?</p>

<p>Any advice will be greatly appreciated. The UA community posting here are wonderful in giving their time and advice!</p>


<p>AP Environmental Science does get AP credits…it was added a couple of years ago. </p>

<p>Don’t worry about “low-importance” admittance requirements like computer literacy. If your state has a different req’t, then Bama is usually fine with that. There are states where kids only have 3 years of XXX and Bama still accepts them. </p>

<p>I don’t think we’ve ever heard of a good student getting rejected because of some minor difference in req’ts. Lots of Calif kids go to Bama, so many probably have a similar situation as your child’s. Sounds like that frosh year class is going to be fine!</p>

<p>I’ll find the AP Enviro credit info.</p>

<p>here it is…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Don’t sweat the computer literacy requirement. My DS has taken no computer classes in high school and he still received Presidental scholarship :)</p>

<p>We are from CA and had a potential problem as the A-G requirement is, I believe, 2 years of History/Social Science. D’s high school required 3 years but UA requires 4 years. We confirmed with a UA recruiter that the requirement is 4 years. We realized this discrepancy just before senior year started and D managed to get her schedule changed to add psychology which gives her 4 years. </p>

<p>Of course, mom2ck is much more qualified to give advice on all things UA, so having the 3 years might not have been a deal breaker given the overall transcript. We just didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize D’s admittance since UA is the only school she would even consider!</p>

<p>S’s small, rural, southern Indiana school only offered 3 years of history/social science. There were no required or elective courses offered during sophomore year.</p>

<p>I actually didn’t even notice that UA required 4 years. S was granted an Indiana academic honors diploma and I never considered that it might be a problem.</p>

<p>He is current freshman in engineering with the UA scholarship and additional engineering award and the lack of a 4th year of history/social science was never mentioned.</p>

<p>My D didn’t have any computer courses in high school and had no problem with a UA acceptance. She’s a teenager, though, so computer literacy was probably a given. ; )</p>

<p>She also took AP Enviro and received 4 credits for GEO 105 (Sustainable Earth). It’s not listed on Bama’s list of AP credit, but the credit is given nonetheless.</p>

<p>Thanks so much everyone! One of the reasons I’m happy DS is considering Alabama is that everyone here is so friendly and helpful. When you’re thinking of sending your child halfway across the country it’s really good to have an idea of what to expect.</p>

<p>I’m not worried about the history requirement, that’s where DS shines. He’ll have easily have four years and hopefully APUSH and AP US Government to go with the AP Euro History which he has already passed. </p>

<p>Math is another story. Thanks to lots of sweat and grinding through the Khan Academy I’m pretty sure he’ll make the requirements but it doesn’t come easy!</p>

<p>Thanks also to mom2collegekids I was looking at this page [University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2008-10](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama) and hadn’t seen the one you posted.</p>