Admission Requirements for PetE

<p>I am a junior in high school interested in Texas A&M's PetE program. I am in the top 20% and I have a 32 ACT composite so according to the website, I am qualified for the academic auto admission. Does anyone know the average statistics for the specific PetE program? I am confused since this school has one of the best petroleum engineering programs with an admission rate of 69%. I have also heard about people getting accepted into general engineering, how does that work if I want to major in PetE? Thanks.</p>

<p>Since you are an auto admission I would have your application and essays ready to go and submit them at 12:01 the first day of applications. The engineering program fills up quickly and this will help you secure your spot in PetE. Good luck!</p>

<p>Ditto 83aggie’s comment- apply the day the application opens. With rolling admissions, A&M engineering has historically filled up quickly. For '14-'15 they followed the “first come” process until 85% capacity, which they hit well before the admissions deadline. The remaining spots were filled through review process. If they feel that they get a better class of students through the review process, then I expect them to expand it, with say, 60% rolling admission and 40% review. Again, I don’t have specific knowledge of that, but it’s how I see it going. Good luck! </p>

<p>New to the '14-'15 school year, the Engineering Department will admit everyone as general engineering. Students can then apply after their first semester to the specialty they are interested in and it is competitive. This is posted on the engineering website.</p>

<p>So if I am admitted to general engineering what do I need first semester to most likely be accepted into the petroleum engineering program?</p>

<p>The majority of freshman engineering students will take the required math 151, engineering 111, and physics 218 as a block together, then electives as needed (i.e english, etc.). There is new catalog out for petroleum engineering (catalog 137). Not sure if it is posted online yet, though. Check the website when you get a chance. </p>

<p>Thank you but what I meant to ask was what stats do I need to get accepted into the petroleum engineering program after I get accepted to TAMU. What percentage of students get accepted to TAMU as general engineering but not into petroleum engineering? I don’t want to attend TAMU just to end up not getting accepted into any of my engineering choices second semester.</p>

<p>Since this is the first year for this process, there are no statistics… It will be based on the competition of applicants. You may want to call one of the advisors in PetE and maybe they could give you a projection of what will be competitive. Currently, to advance to sophomore level courses in PetE students need a min. of a 2.75 in core body of knowledge classes, but this may or may not be competitive under new system. Hope this helps…</p>