Admission Stats for UW Madison?


<p>My daughter is considering UW Madison as one of her top choices. We live within a short drive and she loves the atmosphere. </p>

<p>I have been looking but unable to find a website that show the "average stats" for admitted students. I know I have seen it in the past but just cant find it. Does anyone have a link to this type of info?</p>

<p>I am wondering how she would "fit in" academically. She is in the top 5-10% of class, 3.8 - 3.9 GPA, and a 29 on her first ACT. She didn't do good on math and is working on that to hopefully bring up to 30 on ACT. </p>

<p>She might be interested in the Pre-med program too. Would her stats be in line for that?</p>

<p>Thanks </p>


<p>she is slightly above average...</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> This is the link to the chart.</p>

<p>Sounds like a good candidate to me - her stats are similar to my son's, and he got in. Is she a Junior or a Senior?</p>

<p>If she's in-state, she should have no trouble with admission. good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. She is currently a juinor. She likes the idea of Madison, the lakes, State Street, etc... but I think is a little worried about the "largeness" of things there as compared to more of a "self contained" campus.</p>

<p>I think we just need to get doing some campus visits so she can get a better feel for things. </p>



<p>Also consider one of the summer camps that utilize the campus. There are CC and track camps among others. Don't let her be scared of the campus.</p>