
<p>What GPA and SAT score do I need to get accepted?</p>

<p>a 6.0/4.0 GPA and 2410 SAT.</p>

<p>Seriously there is no real definite GPA or SAT. If you want the ranges, look at <a href=“”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>In the end, everything matters, from ECs to Essays to Recs. GPA and SATs are only a part (albeit a very large part) of the application. Make sure everything else is great too!</p>

<p>:“What do I need to get accepted?” A fundamental understanding that GPA and test scores are not your sole determinant – which you seem to be lacking at this moment. Despite many others’ efforts to guide you to schools’ Common Data sets. Review some of them before you post again, eh?</p>