
Hello, I am conditionally admitted to Cal Poly Slo as a transfer in the fall. Unfortuntely, theres a possibility I might get a D+ or C- in one of my classes which goes against the terms and conditions. If this happens, does anyone know how I could go about keeping my admission? Or if they would revoke it?Any information would help. Thank you in advance.

A D+ would be a reason for rescinding your admission but a C- will not. My advice is to do everything within your power to get that grade above a D+. If the grade ends up as a D, then contact SLO admissions and ask to retake the class during the summer and hopefully they will be understanding if you are willing to reach out to them and offer the retake.

Just out of curiosity, did you go to Cuesta? If you did, who was the instructor? I had the same thing happen. I had 4.0 semesters for 3 straight semesters, then I had probably one of the worst instructors I’ve ever had in my life.

Fortunately, I had already decided to go to a different university anyway. If I had set my heart and plans on completing my conditional acceptance, I would have been absolutely livid. Some instructors have no business teaching other humans.