Admissions at different schools, plus senior year course advice

<p>Hey everyone, I'm currently a junior just starting second semester. I'm wondering how to balance out my schedule senior year, plus I'd like some insight on my chances at different schools. I basically have the first part which talks about my academics and then what to do senior year, and the second part which asks about admission chances.</p>

<p>Area of Study Interest:
-Pre Law
-Business (not sure what exactly, I know I'm not interested in econ)
-Political Science</p>

<p>GPA/ Class Rank
- Unweighted GPA: 3.932
- Class Rank: Haven't been given out yet, but I'll probably be in the top 10%</p>

<p>SAT/ACT/ Subject Tests</p>

<li>PSAT: 220</li>
<li>SAT: Reading 720, Math 750, Writing 680 (Only taken once)</li>
<li>ACT Composite: Not yet taken</li>
<li>SAT Subject Tests: Not yet taken</li>

<p>Courses for high school credit:</p>

<p>7th Grade:
- Algebra 1 (2 A's)</p>

<p>8th Grade:
- Geometry (2 A's)</p>

<p>9th Grade:
- French 1 (2 A's)
- Biology (2 A's)
- Honors English (2 A's)
- Honors World Studies (2 A's)
- Algebra 2 (2 A's)
- Orchestra (2 A's)</p>

<p>10th Grade:
- French 2 (2 A's)
- Chemistry (2 A's)
- Honors English (A, A-)
- Honors European Studies (2 A's)
- IB Math Methods 1 (A, B+)
- PE/Health (2 A's)</p>

<p>11th Grade:
- French 3 (A)
- IB Physics SL (A)
- IB English SL (A)
- IB American History SL (A-)
- IB Math Methods 2 (B)
- IB Business and Management SL (A)</p>

<p>Now, for senior year I know that these classes will be for sure: IB French 1, IB Physics HL, IB English HL, and IB Business and Mangement HL.</p>

<p>I'm wondering if I should take math next year, because I don't really like it, plus the only option for me is to take MM3, since stats hasn't actually been a class for at least 3 years because not enough people have signed up for it each year. I'm also wondering what to do for a social science class.</p>

<p>If I were to take MM3, I don't know how well I'd do in it, especially since I really don't like the teacher (same one as the one I have this year). It's hard to understand her plus I really dislike her teaching style. One option is to skip math, and then take a class like IB Psychology, IB TOK, or Sports Med, and my friend says he can have somebody who teaches at a private school provide a once a week class for a certain fee, and while it won't go on my transcript he has done this a lot and wrote a college supplement explaining why it's good. I don't know if this is a good option or not, since I haven't heard about that many people doing it but it would be a stats class which is targeted at business.</p>

<p>And for social science, I want to take US Government and Constitutional issues for the first semester, and then Business Law second semester, but how does that affect what colleges see? Would they think that it's better because I'm pursing my interests or would rather see me take another IB class which is more challenging, specifically IB 20th Century History?</p>

<p>Well the senior stuff is done, now onto the "other stuff".</p>

<p>Other activites:</p>

<li>Honor Society Club: In 9th grade we had an "Honor club" because freshmen couldn't join the actual NHS</li>
<li>Junior State of America: Basically debate club.</li>
<li>Physics Club: It's actually more of a rocketry club, we're building a rocket to complete in TARC</li>
<li>Tennis: I've been a competitive player for 4 years, I'm ranked in the top 40 in my section, and I train at least 10 hours a week. I started pretty late actually, but I'm starting to be a top player in my section and one of my goals is to play tennis for college if possible.</li>
<li>Piano: From kindergarten to 10th grade</li>
<li>Violin: From 6th to 9th grade </li>

- Mountains to Sound Greenway
- Robinswood Tennis Center
- Local state parks
- Sometimes for our schools</p>


<li>DECA Area: 6th in Business services, qualified to state for my Entrepreneurship Written paper as well. (State hasn't come up yet so I don't know how I'll do there, hopefully good!)</li>
<li>Varsity Captain for Tennis (not really an award but I put it here anyways!)</li>
<li>2009 NW WA Junior Championships Boys 16 Doubles Champion</li>
<li>2009 Bally Tennis Holiday Champs Boys 18 Doubles Finalist</li>
<li>Nominated for the National Youth Leadership Forum</li>

<p>Essays/ Recs:</p>

<li>Both of them should be pretty good, essays might be difficult though!</li>

<p>Well there you have it, that's basically all I've done for high school, and how does that affect my chances for applying to schools? Like what schools could I easily get into, what schools would give me good chances, and what schools probably won't accept me? I really don't know too much about colleges, especially some of the smaller schools, but I have some interest in NYU, Claremont, Boston College, George Washington University, Washington ST Louis, and UChicago. </p>

<p>I have gotten some offers to play tennis from schools (not scholarships) which do have excellent academic backgrounds too such as Swarthmore.</p>

<p>And of course going to schools like UPenn and Columbia would be great too! </p>

<p>I know this was long, but thanks to everyone who took the time to read this and respond!</p>

<p>Anyone? Please.</p>

<p>NYU is a match… BC is probably a match…Chicago, Columbia and Penn are definitely reaches. George Washington you’re pretty much in and St. Louis is most likely a low reach. My advice: if you have an offer from Swarthmore, go there. Its an excellent school and you have the opportunity to play collegiate tennis.</p>

<p>Alright thank you very much neil. Any advice on the class selection?</p>

<p>Like would colleges rather see a more challenging class for social science, or classes more focused towards law if that’s what I’m possibly looking at.</p>

<p>They’d rather see any IB over your interests, but don’t take more IBs if you think they may effect your performance in other classes. If you can keep straight As for sure by taking Business Law/Constituional Issues as opposed to possibly carrying a B by taking IB Psych, IB 20th Century History, or MM3, then I would certainly take Business Law/Constitutional Issues.</p>

<p>Hey, I’m a tennis player from Washington too, except you’re up there in the Bellevue area and I’m down here in Olympia =]</p>

<p>Funny thing is we kind of have similar stats. I would also like to add that I think you should take off anything that’s a one-time thing in your “other stuff” such as the tournaments. </p>

<p>I would say that you’re on track for most of the schools you mentioned save the ivies and the really selective places like claremont and Uchicago because with those you never know.</p>

<p>O and I’ll also be there at DECA state, but I’m doing financial analysis. Good luck in a couple weeks man!</p>

<p>Thanks for the additional responses everyone.</p>

<p>BooksRnot4me: I know that I would be able to get an A for sure if I took US Gov and Business Law. I would pull an A- or higher if I took a different social science class (Psych or Sports Med I would get an A, A or A- in IB 20th History). In MM3 though I’m probably looking at a B (Struggling in calc this year).</p>

<p>Quantifier: Hey that is pretty cool. Thanks for the advice about the 1 time stuff too. I wonder if I’ve ever played you. I’m currently ranked #43 in the Rolling Standings from 2/4.</p>

<p>Oh, and another thing I forgot to add is I’m fluent in mandarin chinese and did XC in 9th grade, if that would help my chances any.</p>

<p>One more question. What would the recommended SAT II’s to take be?</p>

<p>Hey Nuclear Penguins,</p>

<p>In at Claremont, Boston College, and GWU. Match for UChicago.
UPenn, WUSTL, and Columbia I say are high reaches.</p>

<p>SATIIs- doesn’t matter. Just take what you think you’ll score good in. Of course, check with certain schools to see if they have any requirements.<br>
I’m currently at an Ivy. You can PM me if you have more questions.</p>

<p>Thanks Lilbluewhale.</p>

<p>Ok, so I’m thinking of doing SAT Subject Tests in US History, Literature, and Math II.</p>

<p>I heard that it’s not good to do languages unless you are a native speaker, right? Because then one mistake drops a lot percentage wise.</p>

<p>Your stats are really good</p>

<p>buy I’d definitely drop the “nominated for National youth leadership forum”</p>

<p>EVERYONE (i may be slightly exaggerating on this) is nominated for NYLF
I wouldn’t call it an award at all, it’s something that anyone can get into because it’s basically like a camp</p>

<p>Alright thanks for that LAZer. I don’t even know how good it was only a few kids in my grade got it so I was just wondering, and heck it sounded nice :P.</p>

<p>dont waste your time and sanity on language SAT tests unless you plan on using it somewhere in life…</p>

<p>Alright I won’t do French then. Would a science SAT be better to take to replace either Lit or History</p>