Admissions Decisions - Class of 2015

<p>I was accepted a couple of days ago, and it was my first acceptance (they got back quick). In fact, I'm a lot more interested now than I was when I applied.</p>

<p>So, who else is out there? Post your decisions here. Maybe this board won't be as dead.</p>

<p>i was accepted on friday! the school seems better than i expected, but i don’t think i’m going to visit unless i get a scholarship.</p>

<p>What were yall’s stats?</p>

<p>Got my acceptance packet today!</p>


Congratulations! If you do visit before May 1st, they’ll knock $1,000 off your first year’s tuition.</p>


3.65 UW GPA, 24/395 (weighted ranking), 2160 SAT*.</p>

<p>*SAT score is now higher, but was that when they decided to accept me.</p>


Congrats. The packet was nicer than I expected.</p>

<p>I was accepted.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you on your acceptance! </p>

<p>Just wanted to give more information on the $1,000 tuition credit when you visit. </p>

<p>You can find the official information on the tuition credit at [Campus</a> Visit Tuition Credit- Admissions - Loyola University New Orleans](<a href=“]Campus”> </p>

<p>Congrats again and good luck with your college decisions!</p>

<p>33 ACT
4.0 unweighted GPA
Rank 1/78</p>

<p>thanks for the info</p>

<p>Congratulations!Hope to see you all here on a tour.Loyola is a wonderful school with a lot of resources and help offered to students and parents.You will love your time here if you decide that Loyola is right for you.</p>

<p>I got my acceptance letter last week! I am planning on enrolling there, and am SO excited! I feel like it is a perfect fit for what I am looking for… </p>

<p>gpa: 3.7 weighted
act: 29</p>

<p>hi! accepted too!</p>

gpa: 3.83 12/574 students
SAT I: Cr - 700
M- 630
W - 610</p>

<p>Congrates if you were accepted be sure to come visit!</p>

<p>You guys also applied to other Jesuit schools like Fordham, Gtown, BC, and the other Loyolas?</p>

<p>Just Fordham, as far as Jesuit schools go.</p>

<p>I got accepted a couple weeks ago. I also applied to Loyola Marymount, University of San Francisco, University of San Diego, and Santa Clara U.
I’m from California obviously.
I had a decent GPA, decent SAT and ACT,
but I had really good recommendations, essays, and extra curriculars (Varsity Swimming, Pres of Choir, NHS, Leadership etc…)</p>

<p>@zborman, any news on marymount and USF? I was accepted by the two but deferred from gtown, so I’m hoping BC and fordham will give good news.</p>

<p>Got accepted recently.</p>

<p>3.0 gpa
1970 sat
loads of extracurriculars.</p>


<p>Just thought I would post here as I am hoping to be accepted to complete an international year abroad at Loyola.</p>

<p>I’m in my first year of study at a UK university and I get to have a year abroad. Obviously I am confused by the American school system as it is VERY different to the English system. From the length of a degree to the amount of courses a semester(I call them modules) and ‘rooming’ with someone else.</p>

<p>Loyola looks like a really good school and I had read lots of reviews and it seems to be the one that suits my needs, it also looks like fun and inviting.</p>

<p>Hope you all get into the college you want</p>


3.2 UW gpa

<p>Awesome extracurriculars, stong recommendations, strong essay and resume.</p>

<p>I’m most likely going. I absolutely love New Orleans and the campus was super nice. I also stayed in the dorms with a friend a couple nights and the students are super chill and smart.</p>

<p>QUESTION: Did anyone get notification that they were accepted into their major of choice (like a competitive major) in their admissions packet? I spoke to my counselor and she told me I was accepted to the college of music and fine arts for opera, but I haven’t gotten official notification from Loyola!!!</p>

<p>My son got accepted back in November. It was his first acceptance. Loyola gets lots of positive feedback on CC and other forums. After spending more time looking at the school, Loyola has risen to his top choice. We are going to visit in late January.</p>

<p>3.3 UW GPA
24 ACT
Lots of AP/Honors and ECs</p>

<p>Also accepted at Willamette, Auburn, Oregon State and deferred to regular decision at the University of Denver.</p>