Admissions Decisions Today!

<p>Hey guys, I just spoke to an admissions counselor and they told me that decisions will be sent via e-mail at 6PM PST. I am VERY nervous and excited at the same time. Did anyone apply via the Portfolio Path? Just curious. Anyone going here? </p>


<p>bumpity bump.</p>

<p>Today? Ahh I thought it was tomorrow, Saturday! That’s even better, I’m so stoked/nervous.</p>

<p>I applied… normally, with tests. Did you do the portfolio path? Do you think it was worth it? :slight_smile: I feel like that would have been a more fun route to take instead of test scores!</p>

<p>I got accepted! I applied through the Portfolio Path and it was definitely worth it! I submitted a ton of essays that were well written. I am so excited! :)</p>

<p>Congratulations! Still haven’t gotten my email yet :frowning: Maybe it’s just Portfolio at 6 today? I’m also in California but I don’t think location matters because it’s email haha!</p>

<p>Edit: Yay got the email! Got in! :slight_smile: Now just waiting for the money :P</p>

<p>accepted! cant wait to check out portland</p>

<p>I’m not sure. What were your stats if you don’t mind?</p>


<p>Thanks :slight_smile: If you’re talking to me, I had 4.0 weighted and about 3.58 uw. 29 ACT, top 15% of class, no special minority or anything like that.</p>

<p>What’s the likely hood of everyone going to L&C? I’m currently tied between Western Wash U and L&C as an art major but it all depends about the money. :)</p>

<p>Those are great stats! If the money works out, I am going to Lewis and Clark College. Otherwise, I will attend a different school.</p>

<p>I was accepted! I’m from Boston so I’ll be visiting asap :o</p>

3.9 gpa unweighted, top 11% of class, 1980 on SATs</p>

<p>Anyone hearing on merit aid with their admission notification?</p>

<p>I still havent gotten an email:/</p>

<p>My son was accepted but it looks like merit and aid info will come in the mail.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone. I hope the aid (FA and merit) make L&C competitive with other schools.</p>

<p>Accepted. </p>

<p>Their 1000-point font size “Congratulations” banner makes me wonder what the rejection emails look like! hah. Hopefully their aid package is a good one; I’ve been offered nearly a full ride of scholarships and grants at Puget Sound. </p>

<p>Good luck/congrats to everyone else!</p>

<p>L&C does have 10 per year that are full tuition but they are hard to get. Good luck.</p>

<p>Have any International Students received their decision from Lewis & Clark yet?</p>

<p>Bit of a tease to give admission decision but no indication on $$. Can’t do much until have heard on the money.</p>

<p>I agree nepop. It should be very soon though, a day or two.</p>