Admission's question at UM

<p>Does anyone know if they weight or unweight the freshman applicant's GPA for admission's consideration? Our high school transcript lists three GPA's for a student, these are the student's unweighted GPA (which includes all classes), the core academic GPA (which includes only state weighted academic classes), and the weight district GPA (which is grossly inflated). Which GPA is UM looking at for admission's or do they do their own weighting? Does anyone know what UM's weighting is? </p>

<p>The common data information and admission's website does not reveal any of this information.</p>

<p>The school website says:</p>

<p>“There is no minimum GPA or test score requirement for admission. The Admission Committee does not recalculate high school GPAs. We use the GPA (weighted and/or unweighted) provided by your high school.”</p>

<p>Based upon this, which of the three GPA that I listed above (unweighted, core academic or weighted district) is what they use for their admissions decision and statistics?</p>

<p>Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but if they’re all on your transcript, they’ll look at all of them.</p>

<p>Yes, that is true. I just spoke to an ad com at U Miami. The GPA that they use for admissions is the weighted district one (the very high one, which is good). They also look at the rigor of the schedule.</p>