<p>I'll spare everyone a very long story. I had made some very poor choices in the early stages of adulthood at age 19 and again at 24. I'm 27 now. I could make up a billion excuses, but when it comes down to it all, it is 100% my fault, and I own my poor judgement. They are choices I regret and will do so for the rest of my entire life. I don't however want to sulk, feel sorry for myself or wallow in my circumstances. I want to move on and forge my own path in a positive way. I have attended community college for the last year and a half and went from being a high school dropout to being close to graduating with a near 4.0 GPA next spring. I would love to take the next step in my journey and attend a really good school such as W&M and considering I live in Virginia, I want to take advantage of the GAA in place.</p>
<p>Now my question. My two blemishes are non-violent, non-sex related, non-drug related felonies. I know the word felon scares a lot of people. However, would I have any chance whatsoever at being admitted to William and Mary with my past?</p>