Admissions to University of Miami

Hey all,
I have decided that the U is my #1 school, I want to study music business. I’m just looking for some advice from people who know something about the admission process at that school, what are things they look for more than other schools? Like what are some extracurriculars or things that would really stick out to them and make them want me more than the next kid who played football in high school and has a ton of volunteer hours?? I know a lot of schools have some specific things that they like to see more than others so any knowledge about this would be much appreciated!! I am going to be applying Early Action, not sure if that helps at all. Thanks!

I would also just like to add that the only way I’m going to be able to go to this school is if I get a pretty hefty scholarship, my family isn’t poor but I don’t want to start my life off in debt and my parents definitely don’t have a $200k savings account for me to use for college!!