AdmissionsDaniel, should I be worried?

<p>I mailed my Johns Hopkins app (paper) around the 18th of December. However, I have not yet recieved a confirmation postcard yet. Is this normal of the busy season? My other colleges are going much faster, which is what's worrying me.</p>

<p>From the Hopkins Insider blog: "For all the regular decision applicants out there, we ask for your PATIENCE throughout the month of January. Please do not contact us at this time to check on the status of your application or to see if we have received parts of your application. As you can only imagine, we are inundated with mail and online submissions and it will take nearly three weeks for us to process all of these application materials. Putting together over 12,000 applications takes time. We assure you we will confirm receipt of your application and will check every applicantÂ’s file for completion. We will notify applicants who have incomplete files and give those students an opportunity to provide us with any missing items before we evaluate their applications."</p>

<p>Since I write the Hopkins Insider blog (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) ... pretty much my answer is in what Tanman quoted.</p>

<p>There is no need to worry - we are dealing with a large increase in regular decision applications so the processing of applications will take a bit of extra time this year. And always remember that you will be contacted.</p>

<p>What happens if an entire application is lost in the mail?</p>

<p>In the case of an entire application being lost in the mail the student would need to contact the Admissions Office by phone. They would need to provide details of when the application was mailed/submitted and whether it came as one package or a multiple mailings. (This is why you are encouraged to make copies of your applications and record all these details.) If it can be confirmed that the application was lost, then the Admissions Office will process a copy of the previous application.</p>

<p>But read the above messages!!! You should not be concerned about an application being lost at this time. Give the Operations Department time, and your application will be processed.</p>

<p>I think the point is, at what point should we be worried if we do not receive a postcard in the mail? I mean, if the entire app doesn't go through, then we won't receive a postcard, right? So...
What happens if you get the letters of rec and counselor forms but the rest of the app (parts 1 + 2) get lost?</p>

<p>great an increase in RD applicants forget about my chances ---oh well
maguo1 i submitted my application around thanksgiving and still haven't recieved anything I guess this is just JHU's creative way of saying --"Dream on" (jk AdmissionDaniel/laxfan)----noname141 i think you should start worrying at the end of jan. when jhu has done the intitial processing of apps-- i think the blog says something to this effect somewhere</p>

<p>The post on the main page is making me worried.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>Should you contact us? -- YES
When? -- After February 1st</p>

<p>What if things are missing? -- We will give you the opportunity to complete your file and it will not affect your admissions review.</p>

<p>What is my whole app. is missing? -- If you can produce evidence of your app. being lost in the mail, we will process a late duplicate application and it will not affect your admissions review.</p>

<p>Finally, we do not and will not have an online system for checking app. status. Other schools have these systems, we do not.</p>

<p>well its already the 23rd...and i still haven't got my PIN...i guess i will wait patiently....sigh...</p>

<p>a<em>ravin</em>hurt: what kind of PIN are you waiting for? Johns Hopkins does not have an online system for checking application status, so therefore you will not receive a PIN.</p>

<p>I think he got confused with Harvard or Cornell or something. AdminDaniel, how's the mail room looking?</p>

<p>Still quite overwhelmed. We are processing the largest applicant pool in Hopkins history and therefore the volume of submitted materials takes longer to open, process, and enter. We hope to catch up within two weeks.</p>

<p>Okay, its now Febuary 1st and I still have not recieved anything? What happens now?</p>

<p>We are still sending out confirmations. Remember it can take up to three weeks after one's application is processed to produce the postcard, mail it, and have it go through the postal system.</p>

<p>Starting on Monday, February 6 the Admissions Office will begin to receive phone calls checking to see if an application has been received. The official message is as follows,</p>

<p>"To check on whether your application has been received and is complete please call the Admissions Office at 410-516-8171. We are unable to check the status of your application through e-mail correspondence. Please note that our staff will only confirm if your application has been received and if any required application materials are missing. We are unable to confirm that supplemental materials or specific letters of recommendation have been processed. Rest assured that all applicants' files will be carefully checked for completion. We will notify applicants who have incomplete files, and give those students an opportunity to provide us with any missing items, before we evaluate their applications."</p>

<p>Thanks, AdmissionsDaniel. Sorry for all my stressing out.</p>

<p>exactly i should also say thanks admisiondaniel.. as I am still waiting for any JU correspondacne regarding that .. I think i will just call as being An applicant from India and taking in account the postal delay accompanying the process , a phone call does seem better..</p>


<p>Today is Feb 6th, and I called the school and it said we are unable to confirm whether the application is complete or not (voice message), when should we call back then?</p>

<p>maybe the status wud be updated within one more day..</p>


<p>Our voicemail message is in the process of being changed. Please hold on the line to speak with an actual person and they can help you. Phones are answered 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. each week day (Eastern time zone).</p>