Admitted and NSC Scheduled - Send AP Scores Now?

So my son has been admitted to A&M and COE and we have already scheduled his NSC for early June. He has 5 AP test scores he can submit now so the school will have them for his NSC. He will be taking credit for ENGL104 as well as using other AP credits he already has and those taken this year towards his UCC requirements.

He is currently taking AP CalcBC and Physics C but isn’t sure he will even take the AP tests because he wants to take them again at A&M. Two questions.

  1. Should he go ahead and send over the AP scores he has to A&M now?
  2. Is not taking the AP tests for Calc BC and Physics C the right move? (He is suffering for a strong case of senioritis and his grades in those classes are low B's right now.)