Admitted into polytechnic. Can i request to change to chemistry?

I want to switch to chemistry and then if i enroll, I want to attempt to CODO into engineering. If for some reason I can’t CODO, I’d rather be stuck with chemistry than the major I was admitted into (electrical engineering tech.) Can I do this right now? Or do I have to CODO into chem

I believe that unless the major is closed, you can change your intended major in your mypurdue portal. I’m just not sure you can cross colleges to do so. Again, call admissions and ask them directly.

My son was admitted into his 2nd major (Biochemistry in College of Agriculture), and just last night requested a change in major into Chemical Engineering. As momofsenior1 pointed out, this can be done via the MyPurdue portal. Good luck!

what was his first major?? And aren’t the engineering requests closed? Can you keep me posted? I’m curious to see what happens!

What are the chances that you are actually approved for a change of major request?

And what are the chances for a hard major such as engineering?

Maybe this is just my opinion, but I think that it’s a little unfair to Purdue U itself if so many students say they’re applying as one major while completely intending to enroll in another… I know that they have two choices of majors, and I think the purpose of that was for students who didn’t get into their first choice major, but still want to attend Purdue. Based off of this, I think a transfer of major is closed for incoming freshman. Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense if they had two choices of majors.

You can change majors and do so across colleges if the major is not closed. Based on this information on Purdue’s website, Chemistry is open so you should be able to switch from Polytechnic. That said, CODO (transfer) into engineering is very limited. Take a hard look at Polytechnic before you switch. Their graduates do very well and work in fields similar to engineers. Polytechnic graduates are a bit more hands on than Engineering, which can be more theoretical.

Thanks! Yes I know it’s limited. I did do a lot of research on polytech and I’ve come to the conclusion that it just isn’t for me.

From that 2018 list, the College of Engineering was not open for CODO during STAR. It kind of makes sense that 2019 would be the same - Engineering is a tougher admit than other colleges. I know students who have been allowed to CODO into Engineering but they started in their first (Ag) major and rocked their classes before applying. I would actually be surprised if they allowed any switching into COE before matriculation so @Bay_blade2000 should keep the thread posted on the outcome of her son’s online request. Requesting it may be easy but it needs to get approved and that is likely to be more difficult, unless possibly the applicants grades and scores are above average for engineering anyway.

@momofsenior1 @NJEngDad About how long will it take to hear back on if your major change request was approved or not?

I have no idea. This wasn’t an issue for my daughter. Ask why you talk to the admissions folks.