<p>D has not gotten Bowdoin’s decision yet but I am trying to identify possible conflicts that may crop up in April. Does anyone know the day/dates of any admitted student day(s) at Bowdoin? Thanks</p>
<p>Check out the “new and improved” bowdoin facebook group. There is already a get together being organized for the second weekend in March.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. I’ll direct daughter to it. She may find it interesting.</p>
<p>What I am looking for is the admitted student day as organized on campus by Bowdoin. It is not on their site as far as I can tell but I figure that the information may have been given to the ED applicants.</p>
<p>Hi smoda61,</p>
<p>When S was admitted ED we did not receive information until spring, at least that is my recollection. Maybe facebook will help. Good luck!</p>
<p>Hey Morandi, I thought you were supposed to have the answers to ALL my Bowdoin questions. :)</p>
<p>inthe letter i got confirming my deposit it said that all of the forms, informations, and everything was going to be sent out in late spring</p>
<p>Haha. . . .I can barely ask questions, let alone have answers. I hope admitted students day will work into your schedule and, especially, that the weather smiles on you.</p>
<p>Morandi - D has to get accepted first or else the admitted students day will not matter to her. But assuming that happens, I am sure that we will make it work. You know me though, I like planning ahead. I have the dates for basically 7 out of 10 schools to which D applied on my calender.</p>
<p>Fox - thanks for input for a recently accepted student. We’ll just have to see what happens.</p>
<p>Smoda–btw, congrats to D on her other great choices to date. We trust Bowdoin will see her remarkable potential as well and add to her dilemma;-)</p>
<p>morandi -thanks for your thoughts</p>
<p>OK I went ahead and called admissions. I will post what I was told with caution because yes I was told this but the admissions staff had to go get the information. Point is it was not readily available/distributable and I worry that therefore it could still change. Therefore, please keep in mind that there is some possibility that these are ultimately not the dates.</p>
<p>Admitted Student Open Houses April 17, 20 & 24 - with no RSVP needed.</p>
<p>Smoda…to which schools has your daughter applied and been accepted?</p>
<p>Shoelace - D applied to a wide variety of school. Each with it’s own strengths. </p>
<p>Alphabetically - Bates, Boston College, Boston University, Bowdoin, Brandeis, Harvard, MIT, RPI, WPI, Yale</p>
<p>She has been accepted to WPI and Brandeis. She was deferred SCEA by Yale. So as you see she has 8 schools from whom she is waiting for a final decision.</p>