Admitted Students?

<p>Exactly, phil. What people would give for Kentucky legal residency.....</p>

<p>cev--think unmixed bluegrass music (<a href=""&gt;;/a> or <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;), bourbon, the Clampetts (hillbillies), hollers (a clearing in a forest, usually occupied by a trailer home and several rusted-out automobiles propped up on cement - pronounced "CEE-ment" - blocks), horse racing, fried chicken, fishin' (ponds or lakes; both serve well), barefooted children (and adults), small towns, plastic lawn ornaments (deer are popular), mullets (a guys' hairstyle...don't ask), moonshinin' (making an illegal whiskey that also goes by "White Lightnin'"), and wow.....I'd better stop.</p>

<p>I love my state. :) No, seriously, I do.</p>

<p>Hmmm. Would it help if I sent a variation of that description to Princeton as an application addendum?</p>

<p>kentucky..................................................... last famous politico was henry clay and maybe mitch Mcconnel now</p>

<p>That sounds... interesting (for want of a better word).</p>

<p>(I love how that joke fell completely flat.....sorry, I tried.)</p>

<p><em>sigh</em> I wish September would come now, if not sooner... I thought about counting down the days, then realised the number is so big it would just deepen my despair...</p>

<p>I thought it was funny, Kebree - even though I know you weren't joking at all, just describing your everyday life. Moonshine? In water bottles at lunch? While barefoot? You go, Kat2! :)</p>

<p>You forgot the "patched overalls" part, kat1. ;)</p>

<p>europe - our school takes our seniors to europe/australia/south america (ur choice) there are 3 trips, i chose europe</p>

<p>france, england, germany, italy, switzerland, greece, monaco, some other random small places =D</p>

<p>Ooh that sounds so nice. Awful nice of your school to take you places after you've graduated, lol.</p>

<p>lol.....zante said "awful nice"'ll make a good Southerner yet, durn it!</p>

<p>lol aw gee thanks kebree.
I've never really been to the south actually. It'd be an enlightening experience dontchathink?</p>

<p>haha... Phil, when I read that you were taking a family road trip to NJ, I got confused. I was thinking "why NJ?" Wow, I am special.</p>


<p>lol, it's true though. If it weren't for princeton, jersey really wouldn't be worth the trip from texas.</p>

<p>Yes, zante. You absolutely have to see the South. And try the accent. ;)</p>

<p>lol I wish I could pull that off! I think it'd be cool to have a southern accent, but I might just be too ghetto >.<</p>

<p>yes, ilovemath, haha. very "special." :p I've roadtripped through NJ before, though, but it was on the way to NYC. So I was in the state for all of about 30 mins to an hour hehe. I dig road trips.</p>

<p>And I bet you smelled New Jersey in those 30 minutes, even if you didn't stop to see a mall or something :)</p>

<p>oh god,...the dreaded southern accent. why cant southerners talk like aussies :( i want an aussie here just so i can listen to them talk. a whole bunch of them!</p>