<p>I was just admitted to John Muir college and was wondering if anyone had any information about it that would be helpful!</p>
<p>How are the dorms? Social life? GE classes? Dining? </p>
<p>And just overall information/ descriptions about John Muir college?</p>
<p>Thanks so much in advance!</p>
<p>Congrats! So muir definitely is the best college among six colleges due to easy GEs. Muir receives most applicants and top students who get admitted to UCSD make it to Muir. Its the college with most social life. people from same house (two floors combined) of the building (tioga or tenaya dorm building) hang out a lot and there are sports competitions between houses and stuff. The dinning hall of Muir, Pines, is one of the best quality on campus. Dorms arent as nice looking as ERC, but its one of the most spacious. in conclusion, lots of ppl agree that muir is the top college at UCSD.</p>
<p>Oh wow thats really great news thanks so much!</p>
<p>Since it has easy GEs do most people try to graduate within 3 years or is that pretty difficult to do?</p>
<p>^It depends on what your major is (that is, what classes you need to take) and how you plan your classes out. You would have to look at all of your requirements and determine how that would work out for you. Most students don’t graduate in 3 years, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.</p>
<p>That’s a completely erroneous statement.</p>
<p>“That’s a completely erroneous statement.”</p>
<p>^ Well thats a little disappointing for my ego hahaha but anyways thanks for your other advice</p>
<p>haha congrats
I picked Muir as my first choice and yes I had done a lot of research on all colleges and Muir seemed to fit me the best
but I got into Marshall my second choice which is not bad at all</p>
<p>yea definitely congrats to you too!</p>
<p>You were lucky! Was Muir your first choice by the way?</p>
<p>Ha ha. I’m sure your smart.
I’m just trying to dispel incorrect rumors.</p>
Yes it was my first! Thanks again</p>
<p>And no problem KingsElite haha</p>
<p>Yeah there are generally no correlation between being the best students and what college you get into. At least there is no way to tell because SD do not release statistics on this. And the whole being top students thing is entirely arbitrary anyways because UCSD obviously don’t look purely on academic numbers. </p>
<p>And another thing, Miur does have the least GE, but that doesn’t necessary mean the EASIEST GE. Just wanted to point that out : p (though I do believe that their writing course is generally regarded as easier than HUM and MWM from revelle and ERC respectively). But because of this, most people and most of my friends do like Miur because they are lazy college sutndets lol </p>
<p>but yes… PINES IS FREAKING DELICIOUS. Roots, which is the other dining hall that specializes in vegetarian food, is also really good.</p>
<p>Oh really? I didnt really think about it but I was sorta hoping the GEs would be relatively easy hahah but I shouldn’t expect much its still college
Thanks for the advice though!</p>
<p>Well although the GE requirements for each college are different, people from each college go to the same course, same lecture, and take the same test (the only exception are the writing programs). GE can be easy, but that entirely depends on what class you are taking to satisfy that GE. Remember, GEs are not actual courses; they are just requirements that you satisfy by taking courses.</p>
<p>Ah right thanks. Yea I get confused a lot with how college classes and whatnot work haha everything feels so new right now. I’m hoping my school counsellor can just give me a crash course or I’ll just be overwhelmingly confused lol.</p>
<p>It was pretty confusing for me at first too but it’s not too complicated so you won’t have to worry about it too much.
You should take a look at the 4 year plan for your college and major: [John</a> Muir College :: Celebrating the Independent Spirit](<a href=“http://muir.ucsd.edu/academics/finishinfour/index.shtml]John”>http://muir.ucsd.edu/academics/finishinfour/index.shtml)
that is generally what your course load will look like. By the way, click on the 2011 lists only for now; I dont think the 2012 ones work yet</p>
<p>Thanks for the link but its not loading for me or something because I entered the date and my major but nothing came up. But its okay haha</p>
<p>Also do you know if its better to get a BS or BA in psychology? If it doesnt matter is one easier/harder/etc? Thats what I entered in under and I could change my mind in the next 4 years but just wondering in case I dont lol</p>
<p>Hm the link should work. Just check of 2011 as your year, select a department, and a major. After that, it’d just load. Shouldn’t take too long. Do you maybe have java disable or something? </p>
<p>As for the B.S and B.A thing, I honest don’t know. Obviously one involves more science than the other, but don’t really know which is harder.
However look at these: [B.S</a>. Degree](<a href=“http://www.psychology.ucsd.edu/undergraduate-program/degree-program/B.S..html]B.S”>http://www.psychology.ucsd.edu/undergraduate-program/degree-program/B.S..html)
[B.A</a>. Degree](<a href=“http://www.psychology.ucsd.edu/undergraduate-program/degree-program/B.A..html]B.A”>http://www.psychology.ucsd.edu/undergraduate-program/degree-program/B.A..html)</p>
<p>Being B.S requires you to take the 2-physics series and the 20 math series, whereas and B.A can opt for the easier 1 and 10 series.</p>
<p>Oh okay thank you! And maybe I have it blocked on my computer I’ll try again</p>
<p>That was good clarification on the GEs thing. It is important for people to remember that their classes (besides their writing ones) will be with everybody else, so they aren’t “harder” classes. It’s just that some people don’t like the other college’s GEs as much, or they might have to take more classes depending on their major.</p>
<p>I would get a B.S. if possible. It looks like it’s the same as a B.A. but with a little bit harder math, some specialization in your classes, and some research with a research paper. It’s just a slightly better looking degree and you’ll have some research experience to go with it (not that you couldn’t do research with a B.A., but just saying). I’m not a psych major, but I’m a psych minor so I’ve taken some classes if you ever wanted any recommendations or feedback.</p>
<p>I love making grammatical errors in sentences where I’m telling somebody that they’re smart. iT mAeKs mE sOwNd lIeK a JeAnYuS :D</p>