Admitted to Spring '10 thread.

<p>Well i got admitted to Spring '10. Did't know they could do that but its amazing news anyways!</p>

-1200/1810 SAT.
-3.4ish UF GPA
-400+ CS hours
-Many ECs (Debate, School News, Environmental Club)
-Leadership positions.</p>

<p>What are you planning to do?
Petition to change to Summer or Fall '09</p>

<p>PS: anyone know how many exactly were granted admission and were put in Spring'10.</p>

<p>grats to all and thanks</p>

<p>How were you admitted to spring? I remember seeing only 2 options: fall and summer B, how are people being placed into the spring term?</p>



<p>Its a default option that UF admissions created ~2 years ago. You don’t select it they place you in that group if you didn’t get in summer or fall.</p>

<p>I was told they admitted 400 for Spring who would otherwise have been denied.</p>

<p>i would take spring in a heartbeat over rejection. congrats. I am going to try and appeal my rejection, eventhough i know the odds are not in my favor. It is worth a shot. If the offered me spring i would take it and run. </p>

<p>1850 sat
3.8-3.9 gpa
i know i am at the lower end of the spectrum and my OOS status kills me, but i used to live in Brevard county and i have always had dreams of jouning the gator nation. </p>

<p>congrats again to all who got in!</p>

<p>WOW only 400?!</p>

<p>man i really gotta see how im gonna wisely use my time</p>

<p>My D got in for Spring. If an appeal doesn’t work, she is going to move to Gainesville in August and do Fall semester at Sante Fe.</p>

<p>^lol thats actually one of the options i was thinking of, SF kids get to partake in gator clubs and stuff and can go to games.</p>

-32 ACT
-4.0 unweighted GPA, IDK Florida way
-Random Community service
-A lot of ECs with a lot of leadership positions
-23 college credits</p>

<p>I’m not going. I have gotten into Ohio State and University of North Carolina so I will pick between them or Duke if I get in there.</p>

<p>Oh yeah OOS.</p>

<p>what is OOS?</p>

<p>Oos =out of state</p>




<p>[UF</a> Department of Housing and Residence Education Undergraduate Assignments - INCOMING STUDENTS: Admissions Term Change Requests](<a href=“]UF”></p>

<p>^hmm i spoke o alady in admissions the other day and she said the preffered mehod is via mail. She said I should call after a few days to see if it had arrived.</p>

<p>Gerr i have been so crammed with AP work I have not had the time, but I am going to send it today after I clarify everything with admissions.</p>

<p>Also, are we likely to get on-campus housing if we end up going in the Spring?</p>