<p>If you got into UCSD and they placed you in Warren college (or Marshall or Muir but preferably Warren) and are planning on going to another school could you please send a request to change college to <a href="mailto:collegechange@ad.ucsd.edu">collegechange@ad.ucsd.edu</a> to change to Eleanor Roosevelt College, it will take you like 2 minutes and all you need to do is provide your name and student ID number and a little message saying you want to switch from (Warren/Marshall/Muir) into Eleanor Roosevelt College. </p>
<p>There are at least 3 CC members on the waiting list to get out of Roosevelt and by doing this you could be saving us a great deal of time and money if we don't have to stay an extra quarter. As an Electrical Engineering major I have 132 units of hard science and math (GE is about all I have got completed, so having to take MORE is a complete waste) to take before graduation so having to take an additional load of GE's will delay graduation for me and is kind of a deal breaker, so if you could take the time to do this for me (and the other CC members on the same waitlist) I know I would very much appreciate it! Thanks.</p>
<p>Sorry to break it to you, UCeric2010, but it’s going to be EXTREMELY hard to switch into Warren. I just got an email notifying me that they’re pulling me out of Warren and putting me into Marshall. This is because Warren’s over-enrolled and Marshall’s under-enrolled. I believe Muir is over-enrolled as well. I know a couple of Muir kids that got the email stating that they’ve been switched to Marshall.</p>
<p>Hopefully I get to stay in Warren. I’m going to appeal their decision. I hope you get into Warren as well, but your chances of getting out of ERC are much better if you request Marshall. Good luck, man!</p>
<p>Sorry, I didn’t realize this was a transfer thread. My post was regarding the incoming freshman class. However, the over-enrolled / under-enrolled status might be the same for transfer students.</p>
<p>good to know, luckily on my request for transfer I had Marshall and Muir as well as Warren. I actually hope I get Marshall as it has the least GE’s.</p>
<p>Well they granted my request to transfer from Sixth to Muir so I doubt Muir is over enrolled. Maybe just for freshmen</p>
<p>yeah I really REALLY hope I can get out of ERC. Just listening to their presentation about how international they are and blah blah blah it was really clear that ERC is not only going to make me take some annoying writing classes, but as for the underlying theme/core of the college it is a REALLY poor fit for me (I’m a science/economics/math guy, liberal arts and culture type stuff is about as interesting to me as watching paint dry).</p>
<p>I’ll withdraw from Warren for ya UCeric. Do I just decline my SIR option?</p>
<p>@Emils, you have to email them and request a change of college. You can’t give your spot for a specific person because there is wait list. Also, when they call you to confirm, make sure you tell them that you intended to go to UCSD but just want to get your college change first. If you state that you won’t go UCSD then they will refuse the request lol </p>
<p>Source: personal experience lol</p>
<p>@ Gaiou Congrats on transferring out.</p>
<p>Guys, if you get into Warren, Muir, or Marshall, you’re GOLDEN. Those three are pretty much identical except Muir would probably be above the other two by a slim margin for freshmen. If you get into any of these three, just don’t worry. You just need to worry about getting into ERC or Revelle. They’re both evil.</p>
<p>Revelle is really dependent on your major. For science and engineering majors with any background in a foreign language it is not bad.</p>
<p>That only applies if you’re a freshman. If you’re a transfer who did IGETC, you need to take a lot of classes to fulfill Revelle pre-reqs. If you were “planning” on getting into Revelle (and no one should plan to get into revelle if you’re a transfer since the GEs are more science based only for freshman and you already completed the pre-reqs at JC) then you must be out of your mind.</p>
<p>the general thinking for revelle is that yes, it is better for science majors, but not for transfers – only for freshman. when you transfer in as a junior, that usually means your GEs are done, and the GEs for revelle are what make it better for science majors</p>
<p>thank you Emil!!! Yeah, all you need to do is e-mail <a href=“mailto:collegechange@ad.ucsd.edu”>collegechange@ad.ucsd.edu</a> and say you would like to switch from Warren to ERC and say some reason like the atmosphere at ERC is more in line with your educational goals or something. Anyways thank you so much, you’ll be bumping me up a little higher up the list and if not me you might be getting another CCer stuck in ERC out.</p>
<p>i’m already at warren and i got admitted like like May 4th <3</p>
<p>^lucky you
, after checking out the campus if I got switched into Marshall, Muir or Warren I would pretty much SIR on the spot.</p>
<p>Hey All,</p>
<p>So today I received an email saying that cong. from UCSD you have been admitted and I’m so HAPPPPPPPY YAYYYYYYYYYYYY</p>
<p>@ spiderman: That is so awesome! Congratulations!! You really deserved it.</p>
<p>did you get the creepy email with the white guy? he’s been the joke for a whole week with my writing course lol</p>
<p>final desperate bump!!! </p>
<p>The deadline for college switch is two days away and after talking to UCSD I’m 4th on the list for those from ERC wanting to switch into Warren. So yeah, if four of you accepted to Warren but not going could e-mail <a href=“mailto:collegechange@ad.ucsd.edu”>collegechange@ad.ucsd.edu</a> with your student ID number saying you want to switch from Warren to ERC with a reason why (better prep for grad school, enjoy writing etc.) you will be saving 4 stuck ERC kids a world of time and probably money! If it goes through UCSD will call you and ask you to confirm the switch.</p>
<p>Thanks!!! and I know some people have already done this so I want to thank you guys who already have! Fingers crossed as within two days I’ll know whether I’ll be a UC or CC student next year.</p>