Admitted Transfer Students?!

<p>Title says it all, I'm just trying to get to know who I will potentially be spending the next 3 years with!</p>

<p>Hey Schrickxy! I’ve been admitted as a transfer too, though I’m going to be a junior next year. Have you received anything in the mail yet or just the base camp decision?</p>

<p>I just received the Base Camp notification, but my parents may have gotten something in the mail. I’ll check on that cause I’m going home this weekend :slight_smile: (one of the few perks at my current school haha)</p>

<p>Oh cool! I just received my little packet in the mail a couple of days ago and it’s all very exciting. Where are you transferring from? If that’s not too weird to ask, haha.</p>

<p>Hi! I also was just admitted. :)</p>