<p>Hey '10s,</p>
<p>First and foremost, congratulations on your acceptance to Brown. April is an exciting month since you will be visiting all the schools you got into and deciding on the future, so let the fun begin.</p>
<p>I remember my ADOCH experience last year very well, and I hope you all will have a memorable experience as well. Many of my friends took the AMTRAK train that Brown rented out and highly recommend it; some said it was one of the reasons they came to Brown since they spent quality time with a lot of the people that they would be their friends for the next four years. So if you live anywhere near its stops, take it!</p>
<p>ADOCH is in the middle of spring week, during which the campus will be partying hard. I had to sleep in a lounge last year because my host had a “visit” from a female friend… on a Tuesday night. The moral of the story is, don’t expect to stick with your host, they all have their own things to do. Besides, there are around a lot of other pre-frosh around to meet. You will keep in touch with your ADOCH friends and become good friends if (hopefully) you all decide to come. Oh, and I have also heard from my friends at other schools that ADOCH conflicts with Yale Bulldog Days and Dartmouth Dimensions… those are several days long, so cut your stay short there and come to ADOCH! Also make sure you go to as many of the official events as you can while you’re here; you will learn a lot about what Brown has to offer. With that being said…</p>
<p>If you are interested in the traditional annual [unofficial] pre-frosh party, please private message me for further details. I am involved in the party-planning.</p>
<p>Take care guys.</p>