ADOCH Reviews and Suggestions?

S19 is headed to the second instance of ADOCH this weekend and is very excited (they allow ED admits this year). Some things overlap and decisions have to be made. Did anyone attend the first instance and want to share thoughts?

Particularly interested in “don’t miss” advice. Parent sessions too if possible.

Thanks in advance!

My son attended ADOCH this past Sunday and Monday. The weather was horrendous - so my best advice would be to check the forecast and plan clothing (winter coat, rain gear, umbrella) accordingly! He both froze (32 degrees and spitting snow) and got soaked (torrential downpour) but had a great time anyway. They separate the parents from the students for many of the activities so I didn’t see him very much. Download the mobile ADOCH app on both of your phones. That was helpful.

We parked in the Visitors Lot near the police station. I was expecting to pay on the way out but the gate was open, so maybe they aren’t charging? Some things he participated in on Day 1 were the Residential Hall Open House, Brown’s Amazing Race (outdoors), Brown’s Got Talent, the Food Truck Festival (long lines though), Stuff Night, and The Power of Pole. On Day 2 he went to maybe 3 classes that he enjoyed, plus the Major Academic Concentration Fair (they also ate a provided bag lunch there). They give you a list of classes you can attend. Most kids were saying they were a little late showing up to them because of trying to run from building to building in the torrential rain. He was exhausted by the end of it all – going on maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep. This was on the heels of another fun overnight college visit just a day or two before. My husband and I split the days at ADOCH – some of the things we did were the Trolley Tour of Providence, Residential Hall Open House, Parent Welcome Reception, an Arts panel that may or may not be offered at the second ADOCH, a panel on student services, and the Major Academic Concentration Fair. We ate at Flatbread Pizza right near campus before we headed home, because it was close by. Didn’t make it to the open houses but would have liked to… we were too soaked by then. I hope you have better weather because I could tell Brown is a beautiful campus but physically it was unpleasant to maneuver through the downpour. My son loved Brown regardless of what Mother Nature had in mind.

Thanks so far and of course I made a typo, it’s S18. S19 heading on a visit this weekend.