Adroit summer mentorship program 2021

just wanted to start this thread because applications just opened today and end next month (March 22)

Can’t wait to start my application for this program soon! Does anyone have any tips?

this was advice on the 2020 thread by a former mentee (@bluets) it might be helpful

" I think one thing Adroit values is passion. It’s important you emphasize your love of your craft—if you’re solely chasing awards/prestige, the mentorship team will be able to tell. When I was applying, I was under the impression that Adroit favored one particular style. This is NOT true. The other mentees’ styles differed drastically from mine, but one thing we all had in common was a genuine love for writing. Let your passion shine through on your application!

This is a tricky question, because I’m not on the mentorship team and I play no role in the selection of mentees. I can say that my mentor and I had a great aesthetic fit, but I’m not sure if that’s true of everyone or if similarity is something Adroit actively searches for.

I have two main pieces of advice regarding the writer’s statement:

Be specific This has been said earlier on the thread, but I wanted to emphasize it here. In my statement, I highlighted three qualities I liked that were specific to Adroit’s program. Be as detailed as possible—it shows you’ve done your research and have a genuine excitement for the program :smile:
Be honest I wrote about fanfiction in my writer’s statement. A fellow mentee told a more emotional story about how writing helped her find agency. My statement was light and funny while hers was powerful and moving. Both of our statements worked because we were both honest about our relationship to writing.
Hope this helps! Good luck with your application :heart: "


Thank you for the advice! Would being interested in writing genre fiction be looked down upon or make it harder to find a mentor?

to be honest I don’t know this is my first year applying

Hey! Does anyone know when decisions will come out this year?

I received my rejection an hour ago, so I presume they’re coming out!

oh haha, i’ve also just been notified of my rejection as well! tysm!

rejected as well aaaa
anyone know any other writing programs that i could apply to?

never ended up applying, but hopefully your results are better next year if you choose to apply

i was accepted for poetry!


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Out of curiosity, is this mentorship program prestigious? I’ve heard that it’s hard to get into but don’t really know much aside from that.

Sewanee Young Writers’ Conference and Belin-Blank Summer Writing Residency are still accepting applications on a rolling basis, I think. And Juniper Young Writers is also still accepting apps, though their scholarship deadline has passed.

Edit: I believe UVA’s writing programs are also still open to late applications! They’re very good as well. There are also editing and reading opportunities for publications on Submittable!

this is very late haha but i got in for poetry! excited to see anyone else who got accepted :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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