Advantages and Disadvantages with a major in . . .

<p>What would you say are the primary differences between pursuing a B.A. and a B.S. in Environmental Studies? Any advantages/disadvantages associated with either?</p>

<p>I am planning on studying English Literature and Environmental Studies in college (probably a major and minor or double major, depending on how things pan out -- I'm considering pursuing a career in environmental law) and was just asking in regards to the UC application, which I'm belatedly completing now. I am a CA resident, and while I'll only attend a UC as a last resort (meaning that I don't receive an academic scholarship at any of the other schools I'm applying to), I just want to make sure that I'm selecting the correct choice for an alternate major. I am applying to Berkeley, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>Edit: If it makes any difference, the other schools I'm applying to are Washington University in St. Louis, Lewis and Clark College, Whitman College, Occidental College, Pomona College, and Stanford University (yes, I know I'm not going to get an academic scholarship from the last two . . . but hey, a girl can hope for the impossible, right? :)</p>

<p>SAT 2330 (cr 800, m 730, w 800), ACT 33.</p>

<p>Alrighty. I need to stop procrastinating already. . . back to the UC app I trudge.</p>

<p>A BA usually has more liberal arts courses included while the BS has more courses related your major.</p>

<p>If environmental studies involves having a knowledge of science you should probably go for the B.S… That is what I would do anyways.</p>