advice about laptops

<p>My son has applied to UW and is waiting to hear from them. </p>

<p>I have been offered an exceptional deal on a new Apple laptop. Actually, my wife is the techie in the family and she is the one that has received the offer. Unfortunately, the offer will expire this coming Monday. We want to give our son a laptop for Christmas but we do not know whether UW is Apple friendly. </p>

<p>Which format would be better for a student at UW? Apple or PC?</p>

<p>I don’t know but it may depend on usage. General usage, computer science, engineering, physical sciences, business?</p>

<p>You can check the UW DoIT computer tech website and get all of their recommendations. They are both PC and Apple friendly. They recommend using the type the student is most familiar with and do offer some deals. They also say to get whatever deals from the computer manufacturer as well. They also have been neutral about laptop versus desktop. The best computer deals tend to come in summer so most people should wait until then. Some fields of study do have some specific requirements- eg engineeering and things needing intensive graphics. I am posting all of this for others who read this thread. You can visit their store/help center when you are on campus- in the east end of the comp sci building.</p>

<p>Addenda- I’m not a techie but I did look up the site, incapable of posting the link. On the UW homepage expand the Academics list, go to libraries and computing (DoIT). From that homepage go to either the get connected or get support quick links and go to DoIT showroom. There you will find the information I posted. I have noticed in the past that specific buying info does change every so often- there may be more specifics on deals later- especially since Windows 7 just launched.</p>


<p>Wis75 gives some good advice. We got a Dell laptop for our daughter. It was not one of their “recommended” systems, we ordered it through a link on their site to Dell, that got us I believe an additional 7% discount. </p>

<p>The reason we chose Dell (she is used to PCs, not Macs) is that the tech store is an authorized repair center for Dell and Macs - meaning that the student can walk it over there, drop it off, and pick it up all in a very short time frame, especially when under warranty. I know on the Dell it saved us several hundred dollars not having to upgrade to a higher level of warranty service.</p>

<p>The DoIT store staff has been great on phone and in person. Im sure they would be glad to answer questions even if you just explained that your student is not yet attending but might be.</p>

<p>As to laptop vs. desktop, it seems like most kids I have seen go the laptop route. The price difference is not that great unless you need a really screaming machine for engineering type stuff. They do have computer labs all over it seems like. My daughter doesn’t carry her laptop around as much as I thought she might. But I think part of that is her class mix and locations - most of her classes are within 1-3 blocks of her dorm and she has a schedule that makes it convenient to stop in at the dorm, do a little work on the computer, and then a 5 minute walk to the next class. I think she does use it at times to do homework in places other than her dorm such as lounge, library, etc…, and she comes home every few weeks (we are only an hour away) and brings it which is easier than transferring files around.</p>



<p>One more thing,</p>

<p>They have GREAT software deals through the Tech store. I believe MS Office is about $80 instead of $400+, Adobe CS4 about $280 instead of $1800 +</p>

<p>One more note as far as graphic design programs go, there seems to be as many (such as Adobe CS4) for the PC as MAC. Again, probably go with what they know. I know at my work, or graphic/web/design guy just switched from Mac to PC.</p>


<p>UW is VERY apple-friendly, if thats what you wanted to know.
They always make sure to address the issues if you work on a Mac (presentations, Office, formats…) and are up-to-date with technology too. Snow Leopard OS X came to the DoIT store the very same day it released.</p>

<p>Macs have the same resources and functionalities available around campus just as much as Windows does.</p>

<p>Yep you’ll find support for either around campus. Students are pretty evenly split between the two. I personally use a mac and love it, but have friends who just as equally love their PCs. Although I’m not in a super creative major, I have taken some art and film classes that having a mac for was extremely useful. In my opinion they’re just more versatile, making you more prepared for the creative stuff that unexpectedly comes your way in college.</p>

<p>Thank you all for your words of wisdom. My son is most familiar with Apple products, so he will likely go that way. We passed on the Apple deal that was offered to us. My guess is that he will be able to find a good deal on campus this summer (if he is accepted).</p>

<p>Next summer (not spring- think July, not May) all of the computer marketers will have their best deals and UW will probably state to get the best deal you can with/without their offered models. In the past they have shown 3 price points for Apple/Dell and desktop/laptop configurations. Looking at that helps people know if their choice of computer is likely to be adequate. I’m sure many or most buy outside of the DoIT store. btw- they are selling the Windows 7 upgrade- Pro- at a great price to current students.</p>

<p>Somewhere on the School of Business website is a recommendation that business majors purchase a PC rather than a Mac.</p>

<p>Oh that’s good cause I just got a PC and I’m planning on majoring in finance/real estate even though I won’t be in the biz school for a year…</p>

<p>They have Mac’s and PC’s all over campus for the students to use. When buying a computer, waiting is always to your benefit. Even if you don’t save money, you will get better hardware next year. Best to get something at the beginning of the summer and let your kid get use to it and customize it before school starts.</p>