Advice and recommendations for classes, professors and others for a transfer student


I’m a transfer student for the Fall’16 semester. I’ve transferred from NVCC and planning to do electrical engineering (major) and computer science or cyber security (minor).
I’m a general engineering student now and hopefully I can get into my desired program after fall semester.
I’m planning to take ENGE 1216 and some electives for the upcoming semester ( Math Linear algebra and Intro to Computer Science).

Any advice or recommendations for upcoming classes, picking a good professor and other things?

I want to Thank You all for reading this post and trying a help me out.

I was also a transfer student and my best advice is to not underestimate the challenge of obtaining a 3.0 GPA so that you can get your choice of engineering major. You may want to consider enrolling in summer school VT online classes and take some elective classes as GPA boosters. I also suggest taking ENGE 1216 during summer session II if you are able.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Unfortunately I can’t take summer classes as I’m doing some family duties.