Advice appreciated! special situation

<p>Hi everyone! I've been reading posts on this forum for a while, they were all very helpful regarding to BS admissions, but I have a few more personal questions and would greatly appreciate any response! (It's.....fairly long - -~ bow to anyone who has the patient to read it through=D)</p>

<p>Ill have subheadings for each section ++~jst to make the information more organised</p>

<p>**regarding to international student: </p>

<p>I am a perminent resident in Canada, and have been attending public school here since Grade 7. My citizenship application is in progress, but Im still a Chinese citizen. So when the schools look at my background, would they consider me as from Canada or China? coz Ive been receiving high school education in North America ?_?</p>

<p>Also, the grading system for the public school board that Im attending is different from that of U.S.; our A/level 4 is above 80, not 90, so Im not sure how my marks will be converted into GPA and what will it be. My mid-term report has a grade average of 87.5; the average on my final report, which will be released in Jan after chrismas break, should be higher because this one is unofficial and doesnt include many marks. Public schools here do not offer AP or Honours courses, but I am taking Enriched English and Maths this year. </p>

<p>Im currently in Grade 10. My high school only has Grade 10 to 12, so I ve been in this school only for 3 months. Im pretty active in class so Im expecting the teacher's recommandation to be fairly good, especially the one from my keyboard music teacher. Another problem is that my school is semestered, and my first-semester courses do not include Maths. Since it is a new school, I don't have a Maths teacher! So where should I get the Maths teacher recommandation? Is it acceptable if I ask my previous Maths teacher to write it for me? Because Im really good in maths and was at the top of my class last year in my Junior High School; the teacher liked me very much. hehe. - ,-~</p>

<pre><code>**regaridng to leadership experience:

<p>I have most of my accomplishments in Junior High. I was elected to be the President of Student Council, and was one of the three student representatives in the schools Safety Committee. I organized school events such as dances, White Ribbon campaign, Valentine's Day gift sales and delivery, school's Spirit Week; and gave speech in many school orientations. I was an honoured participant in the Trinity Theatre Leadership Program, and participated in the Leadership Activity program in my new school, too. I don't have many volunteer hours in school record, but have volunteered at the Family Fun Day of a local charity, a local saturday school (only went for few times), and was a peer tutor for maths and viola (tutee never showed not so many hours there>.<). </p>

<pre><code> **regarding to arts experience:

<p>I played viola for three years in Junior High, was the top viola player of my grade in Grade 7 and the only 7th grader in school's Chamber String, but quited in Grade 8 because my string teacher changed to someone who doesnt play any string instrument and doesnt know music - -## and my parents cant afford private music lessons with my previous music teacher. How should I explain all this to the schools Im applying to? </p>

<p>I am self taught in piano for two years, didnt take any exams or contests, but received a lot of praise on my performance. Im taking keyboard class this year and my teacher thinks im a very musical player(just have to work on the basic techniques to support it. lol.) Im overall pretty artistic (visual art teacher last year loved me, too), but arts is more like my passion and interest, sadly dont have any awards to convince the schools. Would it help if I send recordings or drawings to the schools? I really want to participate in the art programs if I got accepted, and would very much like to try some dance and theatre (because I love movies! go to cinema very week)</p>

<p>Im also a good singer, often to go KTV with friends, but have not done any contests or lessons.
My biggest problem: too many interests, too little credential! </p>

<pre><code>**regarding to sports experience:

<p>Im not doing any sports now, but was in the girls basketball team back in China (really not worth mentioning...).I did karate at YMCA for about two and a half year since Grade 7, have won first places in the program's annual competition, but quited when I was green belt and two stripes because of too much school work. I danced Ballet for more than 5 years, but quited when I came to Canada. At my free time, I do some running, badminton, skating, but again, these are all interests, not commitments. </p>

<pre><code> **regarding to extra-curricular:

<p>clubs: Super Crazy Movie Times - again, I love movies</p>

<pre><code> Anime club - like most asian...anime fan

 Christian club  -  not christian myself, but goes there with my friend, and really enjoy the activites in the club (singing praises, prayer, learn about the christian culture etc.)

 Mandarin Culture Club  -  where Im most active. We are now preparing for the Chinese New Year show, in which we girls will dance, and Im kinda acting as the dance instructor because of my experience in dancing (yup yup Im turning hip-hop) p.s. lately Im really interested in hip-hop, new jazz, and expecially poppin. learning moves from online tutorials (I can glide a little now ^o^)~ 

  **regarding to financial status:


<p>yes Im poor. I will be needing heavy financial aid. All my parents can provide me is their savings from "old times" in China, and we live on that saving. </p>

<pre><code> **regarding to standerdized testing:

<p>I got a 93% overall percentile on my SSAT. 97% in readig, 96% in maths, but 63% in verbal. English is, sadly, my second language, and I've only been living in English speaking environment for 3 years. I do a lot of reading, so I have almost no problem in language comprehension (refer to reading percentile. lol), just that my vocabulary bank is not that broad. But vocabularies can be built, right? I can work on my vocabulary really hard so I will have no problem on the SAT. </p>

<pre><code> **regarding to boarding:

<p>I attended boarding school in China for Grade 1-6, and I LOVE boarding, so I don't think I wil have any problem fitting in. Should I mention this to the admission staffs? </p>

<p>inhale....exhale....that's about it, my general info</p>

<p>**Im considering to apply for </p>

<p>Andover - definitely the best..reach for me. Its large endowment size and need-blind policies may do me some favour. A friend of my family lives near there, but too bad nobody I know goes to the school</p>

<p>Chaote - really like the school's emphasize on character development and its art programs. bad thing is that they consider the candidate's financial status for admission.</p>

<p>Loomis - top school with a higher acceptance rate than the others. </p>

<p>Northfield Mount Hermon - like thebig campus, horse-riding opportunity (lol), diversity in student body, and focus on arts. Probably the one Im most likely to get in, but its financial aid available for international student is very limited (like almost all schools do)</p>

<p>My dream is to go to top universities in the U.S., and I don't think I ll be well qualified with the courses provided at my current school. I really want to seek higher academic standards and more school involvement. I would be exultant if I get into any of the above schools. But after reading the stats' of other candidates on this forum, Im really lacking confidence. </p>

<p>Any advice on things I should mention to increase my chance? Other schools that I should be considering? Should I consider repeating Grade 10? </p>

<p>I would greatly appreciate any opinions on my situation. Thank you all very very much~</p>

<p>p.s. I live in Toronto. It’s fairly close to the Northeast where all the schools are. </p>

<p>My interview with the U.S. consulate here is booked in mid-Jan, then I will be able to visit the schools and do my interviews</p>

<p>Haha yayyy! Go Canada! I love in Toronto as well - so bloody cold.</p>

<p>I think you have a very strong resume… especially because of your broad residence background. You’re also fluent in Chinese as well, I presume, so that’s good to be bi-lingual.</p>

<p>I’m no admissions officer, but I think you have a very good chance, and good luck!</p>

<p>oh wow.
I’m actually in a situation that’s somewhat similar to yours (Canadian citizen, but I haven’t received my passport yet, arghjhfsgosi)… I’m actually really worried because:</p>

<p>a) we’re international students, doesn’t that affect our chances alot?
b) we’re international students needing heavy financial aid… okay, i think that affects our chances even more
c) … um. read adove</p>

<p>i’m obsessing a bit too, hehe. but i’d say other than the whole international-student thing, you’re a well-rounded individual and you’d be … like, the ideal student for those schools. again, you can’t really be sure with any of the top tier schools so I won’t like… get anybody’s hopes up, but good luck!</p>

<p>Well yes, FA is very limited for international students - limited, but not unavailable.</p>

<p>I know that at Exeter, Canadians are considered “domestic partners” (in the words of Michael Gary) in terms of financial aid, so NO we are not international, and have full access to big pot. But if neither of you are Canadian, then yes, your access to FA will be limited.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies!~</p>

<p>I have sent emails to the schools im applying regarding to their international status classification…Loomis and Andover actually asked me to submit the domestic application fee 0o0~ so can i infer that id be treated the same as domestic applicants? </p>

<p>Im now also considering Deerfield…</p>

<p>Any more information on which school offers the most FA for international students? </p>

<p>mmoynan: my family submitted the citizenship applications and stuff…we are qualified, but it takes forever for the documents to be processed - -</p>

<p>i’ve been living here in the US for about a year and half but i’m not a US citizen yet…does that make me an international student?because if it does, i think it’s going to work to my advantage since i’m KIND OF fluent in english…i’m fluent in two languages, and my native language, FILIPINO is derived from spanish, so i know a little of that too…i’m currently taking french(and i’m loving it!). i play soccer and softball…i act. :slight_smile: i sing…i have done folk dancing in the past…i did a little african drumming lesson…my lowest grade since 7th grade is an 89.2… (: i’m very involved in my church and community.i got into a scholarship where they only picked 75 out of 1100 in the whole nation… =] some people keep telling me i’m good with art, but i don’t think so.hahaha.i placed in vermont for the new england math league…and i have a lot more EC’s…what do u think are my chances for EXETER, ANDOVER or EMMA WILLARD?</p>

<p>asiankid29 </p>

<p>I have to admit that your stats, especially your involvement in ec’s is very impressive. ive read your other posts and i think you are a very strong candidate for the schools that your are applying. (89 as your lowest mark ever is surely something, but I got a 89 in Civics this year, and this was the highest mark that my civics teacher has ever given a student+ .+~grading system is key…)Almost all the kids who are seriously considering going into a top prep school are distinguished in some way; the very idea of taking this challenge is as valuable as your qualifications. However no two candidates are comparable, at least on this forum. Its fair game for everyone, lol. All of us have different backgrounds, and we can only pray that something will sparkle <3<br>
good luck to both of us~</p>

<p>thank you soo much meTOO… (: it makes me feel better that someone reads my posts and that they don’t take it in a very bad way (because some people think it’s a little like bragging). my purpose of posting these things is to get more information since i am a very clueless girl when it comes to applications and prep schools…hahaha. <3</p>

<p>MeTOO, very good resume (and informative too) but do you think you are actually going to be able to fit all of that on your application? The applications are very specific and don’t leave very much room to get into much depth (just letting you know). I find it really annoying as well, cause I have a lot of E.C.s. but just get down the important things, try not to ramble, and you’ll do fine.</p>

<p>asiankid29 lol you re welcome…(clueless0o0)</p>

<p>starz27 yah thaz exactly what im worrying about…i find it hard to really talk about the things ive done, because, if i list them, they are NOTHING. i don’t even know how to put them in the EC’s chart “according to importance”, coz…i just do them >o< and iz not like im a committed lifelong artist or dancer or poet…i want to go to these schools to discover more opportunities and develop my potentials; isnt that what schools do?</p>

<p>no wonder the essay and interview are what the admission officers look at the most…i guess they are the only things through which we can truly express ourselves >,<~</p>

<p>Unless I’m missing a key part to the application packet, Exeter doesn’t even really have an application (with a chart and such) I know they have that form that you have to send in before thee interview so I guess that supplements an ap. I didn’t know that at the time though so I didn’t put very much effort into it (or at least not as much as into the other applications) plus my interview there didn’t go quite as planned (It definitely did not go well, though it is hard to tell whether it went actually badly).</p>

<p>starz27 </p>

<p>maybe Exeter knows our difficulties with application forms so they only look at the essay instead ^^ not necessarily a bad thing. well, you never know what they look for in a candidate…they will not possibly accept a hundred bright smart talkative basketball team captains would they? as long as you are being yourself and they can see how you are special, i think you are doing well enough</p>