Advice for a Texas A&M Struggling Student-Parent

I’m in a serious bind here and need some solid advice. I’m currently an International Studies student at TAMU College Station and need opinions regarding a transfer to TAMU Corpus Christi. It’s not an ideal transfer but would make my home life a lot easier. I know as far as school rankings and facilities or what have you, the main campus is far better than Corpus. Additionally, Corpus doesn’t have an International Studies program so I would have to change my major to Political Science. I would really like to stay at the main campus because I feel like it would be better for me and help me reach my goals easier. Also, I just feel like letting go of main campus and going to Corpus looks worse in regards to future graduate schools, or jobs or what have you. The reason I’m even contemplating this decision is because I have kiddohs and wife in Corpus and being away from them extended periods of time is really taking a toll. I currently have a perfect GPA after 2 semesters and my school work isn’t really suffering but it is a really difficult situation to be in. I’ve had people tell me, it doesn’t matter how great the school is if you’re not happy or if you’re family is not taken care of. However, I really love the school and just fear that I’m making a permanent mistake for a temporary feeling of stress/depression/loneliness. Part of me is saying just suck it up for a couple of semesters and your kids will be even far better off but the other part is saying your kids need you NOW. I guess I just want some advice from the parents out there or anyone really. P.S: family can’t move because of wife’s current career.

100% move! As a wife mom and aggie, you will be fine graduating from Tamu corpus.

I would like to know what career you are wanting post grad???


Which are?

We have a 2 collegekids who went the PS/IR route & are pretty familiar with a lot of the pathways. None of the ones that I know of will be meaningfully more impressed with one TAMU campus than another.

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In my heart I also feel like I should transfer but I just didn’t know how much of an effect, if any, it would have on my future plans I guess. But thank you for that advice. My ultimate goal would be to work for the state department, in diplomacy. That’s my dream anyways.

State department won’t care which campus at all. You take a (very hard) test (FSOT), you do your time, you work your way through it:


Agree. State dept will not care where your degree is from. Go be with your family. Your kids are only this age once and since your wife is being a single working mom… that’s a lot of her. My 5 cents.

Best of luck. You’ve got this!


Oh gotcha. Thank you for that. How much of an effect do you think it’ll have on my chances of getting into a good graduate program?


The good grad programs are going to want 3-5 years of work experience. It is true that the fancy names have a soft spot for fancy name UG unis, but 1) it is only a soft spot and 2) in their world TAMU is TAMU.

The place where the name difference might matter most is in Texas if you were trying to get internships in other parts of the state. Outside TX …you will be surprised how many people don’t really know about the school…

eta: you can get a job at the state department before getting your grad degree. The process is not easy: the test is hard, there are interviews, everything takes a loooonnnnngggg time. Which campus you get your degree from is the least of your worries. Put your extra effort into researching getting into the State Department- there is a lot of info (official & unofficial!) online. Research state dept internships. etc. This is not an easy path to walk: a lot of people don’t realize just how much dedication it takes to work there.

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Move back to Corpus with your wife & kids.
I’m a mom of two young adults, 22 & 25.
My husbands job took him away from home for 18 months, when our kids were 3 and kinder/1st grade. His job also has caused him to travel out of state 4-5 days a week, for the last 11 years.
He has missed so much-couldn’t be helped-but I know he regrets it.

Your wife & kids need you. Transfer to CC, graduate with Latin honors and look for jobs & internships that can open doors down the road.

Does CC offer anything in cyber security or forensic investigation ? Those would be cool minors or certificates to add.

You will never get this time back with your family.


I did not get a grad degree and I got into the state department. I took a summer and studied for the exam and then flew to DC and passed orals the first time. They never asked me about my college once except if I had a degree. At orals the personal questions are more experience based and not at all based on what you learn in school, it’s more how you deal with situations, crises, etc.