Advice for balancing schedule and work

Hello everyone!

This is my first semester as a commuter and I just need some advice balancing everything out. I want a good way to stay organized and stuff.

[Work during the day]
Class at


Class at

[observations 8-12 ish]
work after

[work all day]



I commute about 20 minutes driving

I’m very interested to see what people say – I’m a commuter getting my first job this fall.

I’m assuming you are not working on Tuesdays and Fridays? If so, that is great because you are not going to want to work after four 1 hr. & 15 min. classes.

I would use Tuesdays and Fridays as your class and school-work days. Use your evenings on those days to work on homework, papers, and study for tests.

When you work on Thursdays, what do you mean by “all day”? Are you working in the morning and getting off in the afternoon/early evening? Also, do you have weekends off, or are you working those, too?

I work some Saturdays and if my “all day” stays the same as it is now they can be anything from 8/9am to 4/5/6 pm

You should be fine. It seems like you have evenings/nighttime off, which is good. That’s when I’m motivated to do some homework, anyway (provided I’m not hanging out with people). Your commute sounds fine, too. Mine was 10-15 minutes to campus, and then 15-20 minutes to my off-campus job.

Both semesters my freshman year I had classes usually until around 3pm or 5pm, and I would work afterwards 2-3 evenings during the week for 3-5 hrs… Then I would work 4-6 hours either Saturday or Sunday, and sometimes both. It was very manageable. Granted, I usually had more projects than studying for exams in my major (elementary education), so I could work ahead and plan around my work schedule. I’m also not a partier, which probably factored in some.

You have a break between classes on Tuesdays and Fridays, which is always a good time to wipe out small homework assignments. I always found those things hardest to motivate myself to do at home. I could see Monday being one of your least productive days in terms of school work, since the day ends late. Obviously there is still some time left, but you’ll probably be tired. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays would probably be good days to do school work, since you’re only either working or going to class, not juggling both. And of course, weekends are great because there’s usually ample time to do both social things and homework/projects.

Good luck! And remember that nothing is ever set in stone (even if it seems like it), so don’t be afraid to change it up if your schedule ends up not working out for you.