I’m living in Daum next year and I was wondering if anyone had any advice/comments/suggestions about this dorm in particular…
(I’m in a triple on the 5th floor)
My son, who is now graduating, lived in Daum freshman year and made the friends who are still his friends today. You’ll see other threads on this forum about it, but in summary Daum students are smart and focused but many are very introverted and scuttle down the hallway into their rooms. My advice to you is that immediately after moving in you go up and down the hall and knock on every door to say hello. And here’s an odd-sounding bit of advice but I guarantee you it will help you acclimate socially: leave your door open as much as possible during the first month of school. People will instinctively stop by or just wave.
I lived in Daum my freshman year, and I thought it was a really great experience. I had friends that lived in the other dorms, and you definitely have a leg up being in an east-side dorm. You will not have to worry about other students being loud, belligerently drunk, or sketchy (I’ve heard horror stories about theft and property damage from friends who lived in Burge). On the other hand, though, the people in Daum do not really fit that “quiet nerd” stereotype. A few girls on my floor were notorious for going out every night of the week–except for Wednesday, which was their designated study night. You’ll be fine! The bathrooms are super clean and nice (pod style, not community) and the people on your floor will likely be incredibly outgoing and fun! Good luck!