<p>My daughter is a high school sophomore, intending to major in MT. She has taken CCY @ Wesleyan last summer and had a wonderful 5 weeks. Now, looking for recommendations for other summer programs, preferably shorter. And wondering how much they affect college admission. Thanks in Advance!</p>
<p>I've just seen the other threads on this, sorry!</p>
<p>For a rising junior, there are many great summer programs out there and I am glad you just found the 'big thread' :). As a rising sophomore my D attended a MT program at UCLA (2 weeks), as a rising junior she attended Broadway Theatre Project (4 weeks), and as a rising senior she attended NYU's CAP21 (5 weeks).</p>
<p>Although I don't really think it affects actual college admission, it did make her aware of how she fared in a "bigger pond" and it also helped us realize and accept that this is what D really wanted to pursue. </p>
<p>She chose to do 2 college credit programs and one non credit (BTP). I do feel that sending two additional transcrips to the colleges you apply to, helps to get the message across that you are serious about this, but at the same time I am also aware that plenty of kids get accepted without any "summer program experience" and/or college credit whatsoever.</p>
<p>These programs can be quite pricey, and D has had to work summer jobs to help pay for them. Also, UCLA was non-audition, and not very competitive, but the other two are relatively difficult to get into. As you will learn, there are many other fine programs out there (CMU precollege, NU Cherubs, UMich MPulse, OCU etc.), but these three were all a great fit for my D, who loves to sing & act, but has had quite a bit of dance training. </p>
<p>Good luck with your research and welcome!</p>
<p>UArts has a great well balanced 4 week summer program. My daughter attended as a rising junior and loved it. If interested, see thread under University of the Arts.</p>
<p>Putting in a good word here for Carnegie Mellon's summer precollege program in musical theater/drama, though it's six weeks long. Consult the threads about this under Carnegie Mellon at the big list at the top.</p>
<p>My rising senior daughter plays folk/rock guitar fairly seriously and is looking for a summer program to improve her skills. Does anyone know anything about the CCY program at Wesleyan? Or Interlochen music camp if you’re not classically trained?</p>
<p>i attended interlochen for 2 summers as a camper and one summer as staff. they do have a jazz music program, so it’s not necessary to be classically focused. but i don’t know if they really have much as far as rock goes. but interlochen’s the place to be! i love it.</p>
<p>and yes, carnegie mellon pre-college rocks. and as a current MT at uarts, i can speak very highly of the pre-college program there from friends who attended it, friends who have worked it, and the great teachers i have there who work at the program. both programs are great preps for college auditions and have you do mock auditions and help you find repertoire and such.</p>
<p>I attended a week-long MT program at Baldwin-Wallace last summer and absolutely loved it. It’s only open to Ohio residents, though, and the audition is for placement after you’ve already been accepted. It’s good if you don’t have an extended amount of time to spend or don’t want to be away from home for long.</p>
<p>I’m with NMR and BroadwayWannabe. CMU is one of the most life-changing summer experiences in the country. It isn’t just MT or arts, which makes the experience so much broader and more well-rounded. This doesn’t mean MT kids do calculus, but the calculus kids certainly hang out with the MT kids.
I’d HIGHLY recommend it. PM me for more info.</p>