Advice for SAT Math?

I’m currently a (homeschooled) Senior and I’m getting ready to start an (almost) month long SAT prep course at a local High School. It’s being taught by a College Math Professor and I’m really worried about the math on the SAT.

I’ve never really done well with math, despite maintaining a solid 4.0 GPA since the 7th grade (I have no idea how I’ve pulled that off).

Even with Pre-algebra, I’ve always struggled and while I’m doing Pre-calculus this year as well as Business Math, I’m really worried that I won’t do well enough to be competitive enough…to…frankly… even get accepted into a University, let alone be able to handle higher education math courses.

I really want to take this seriously as I’m fully aware of how the scores can “make or break” your college/University choices and future.

So I was wondering if anyone has any tips or advice they could share in order to help me out.

Not sure if this help, but, I’m currently looking at University of Pittsburgh as one I really would really like to apply and get into, this way I can get into the Emergency Med program during Junior year through their SHRS.

Thank you all in advance, I appreciate all your responses.

Have you taken any practice tests? They’re usually a helpful indicator of where you’re at.

I’ve seen maybe two pre-calc questions in all the math practice tests that I’ve done (the actual SAT I took had one trig/pre-calc question I think). If you’re well grounded in algebra and geometry, you’ll probably be fine. If you’re not well grounded, that’s the way to go (don’t worry about advanced math, there’s practically nil on there).

Take college board sat or khan academy tests and see where you are. Then keep practicing until you test day…,

Koal, I’ve not taken any practice tests yet. I start the SAT course tonight, and I THINK we’re doing a practice test (or 2) to see where we stand in each section and then know where to focus on improvement. I might be wrong, but i think that’s whats happening.

I know I’m going to struggle quite a bit on Algebra and Geometry, so i’ll make sure to put a big emphasis on those areas.

Thanks for the help!

2000CPs, Alright, will do.
