Advice for studying abroad at the University of Seoul?

I am an American 11th grade student in the IB Diploma Program and have intentions to study abroad in South Korea after high school. I currently have passed two AP history course tests and am enrolled in APUSH and AP Literature and Composition along with my IB classes. My goal is to study business at the University of Seoul (not SNU but 서울시립대학교). I hope to visit the country and school to be able to possibly talk with an English speaking administrators or professors at the school this upcoming summer. I also am currently using my self-studying for CAS for IB which is helpful inspiration. I am committed to learning the language and culture longterm, however long that may carry me, and don’t just have aspirations to bounce around different parts of the world. I wanted to know if anyone has advice for me or any experience with the University of Seoul. I have a part-time job and play several sports for my school. I also will have been through all of my CAS experiences as well as the CAS project (which I am planning to do a trash cleanup several times a month around our school with some of my peers). I am very active with extracurriculars regardless in my time out of school. If it matters, I am enrolled in IB Math Studies for my math class. Currently my cumulative GPA is below where I want it at a weighted 4.339 but this year I have already been studying harder and smarter than I have in the past and the results are showing. I just would like any guidance or advice from anyone that can offer it.