advice for the class of '11

<p>i loved lizzies advice. thanks!!</p>

<p>major in something you like, not something you think is going to make you a lot of money. there's nothing wrong with changing your mind or majoring in something your parents dont approve of.</p>

<p>I posted advice for new frosh last year at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'm going to make a few tweaks for this year's edition, but it basically still holds true.</p>

<p>if you smoke, you will meet alot of people really really fast.</p>

<p>yeah.. like the doctor, the nurse, and the mortuary dude.</p>

<p>, none of them actually. </p>

<p>I wasn't actually suggesting you take up a smoking habit, I was just letting you know, you will know everyone in your dorm who smokes with in a week.</p>

<p>Great - thanks for that revelation.</p>