Advice from CSCE majors/AP credit question

I’m an incoming freshman and was wondering…

  1. I’m in AP Physics C this year, and plan on doing well on at least the mechanics section of the test. Would taking mechanics (218) at the university level benefit me if I’m going into computer engineering?
  2. For all courses: What would my grade on my transcript be if I accept AP credit? Would it only be an A if I get a 5 on the exam? Or will I even get a letter grade for a class I accept credit for?

Thanks in advance!

I’ll answer the AP portion… no grades/scores are listed for AP credits. WHEN you accept the courses - you do it by course not by AP exam, it shows on your transcript under ‘Texas A&M’ they list the course, the units of credit, and zero GPA points (grade). AP scores are not listed on your transcripts for the university.

The only items listed are the courses you choose to use your AP scores to get credit for - if you opt out, then there is nothing listed. Wait for an advisor to help you with this. Once you accept credit, it CANT be reversed. Having extra credits you don’t need, is not always a positive thing, unlike your parents generation where more was always better - so do ask advice from your advisor AT TAMU for your personal situation. Your AP credits do not expire (nor do CC credits) and you can wait along as you like to accept credits.

Thank you so much!

In case this helps you, I consulted an electrical engineering advisor about a similar question, and he told me that it was okay to take credit for physics other than take it at Texas A&M.

Okay thanks @KievanRus . I heard the physics classes are difficult and if I can get away with using AP credit without missing out on crucial information that’d be awesome

Physics is difficult here. If you decide to pursue computer engineering then you will also need to take physics electromagnetism. Usually Physics 208 is seen as the doomsday class and people usually take it at community college. But if you are an electrical or computer engineering major they recommend taking it at A&M since a lot of your courses will be taking knowledge from it. It is up to you if you feel ready to take it. HIGHLY recommend not taking it your 1st semester of college. Take chem 107. Still a hard class but you will not be as overwhelmed as Physics 208.

One thing I know for sure is I don’t want to take physics and chemistry in the same semester. But I’m thinking I might go for 208 my first semester, just because I know my math classes will start to become more demanding after that. Plus I have a really good/difficult high school physics teacher atm (and we’re covering electricity and magnetism this semester) and while there will obviously be more ground to cover in the class at A&M, at least not waiting would keep some of the material relatively fresh in my mind. Thank you for your input!