<p>I guess I never really had a chance at Brown anyways, but was just wondering what you guys think haha.</p>
<p>So…today I got a C+ in Physics Honors.
My GPA is now a 3.8, which isn’t up to par with other applicants I am well aware. Do any of you think it would still be worth trying to apply to Brown? I know I’ve pretty much lost my chance (if I really had one to begin with).</p>
<p>I was going to apply ED, but it is so competitive I’m not sure I even should. SAT is 2180…and I think my EC’s show my passion for the film industry well, but again academic merit does come first. After all, I know it is important for them to see you are capable of excelling at their school.</p>
<p>Thanks guys. Honesty is appreciated, but please don’t be mean
haha. Thanks again. :(</p>
You can’t compare your GPA with those of people at other schools because a 3.8 at one school means something very different than a GPA at other schools. Recently, a couple of us (myself included) responded to a thread saying that we had been accepted to Brown with a GPA of 3.7 or lower.</p>
<p>The C+ won’t help, and if your school is the sort where many people get 4.0’s, the GPA may be low, but that depends on your school and your courseload and your application. I believe there were 2 people in my graduating class of about 310 who managed to get a 3.8, and a large number went to Ivy League schools (maybe 80?). That’s not to say that you will definitely be fine, but…it might be worth talking to a guidance/college counselor at your school. Use Naviance if they have it. Ask to see the school profile that’s sent to the colleges.</p>
<p>Another possible metric is class rank, with most accepted applicants at schools that rank inside the top 10%. However, again, this is an imperfect metric and you will want to figure out how people from your school do when applying to Brown.</p>
<p>Thank you so much Uroogla. I really appreciate it! I am in the top 9%, but like you said it just depends. Thanks again.</p>