Advice Needed re Chapman ED Dodge Film and TV Production

Hi Parents and Counselors,

My D24 is very pointy with a very strong music background (including state and national audition choirs) and 3.9, lightish rigor, perhaps test optional (taking this month). She fell in love with Chapman on a recent tour and may ED. She has zero experience in film and tv production but is interested in that (eg. sound?) as well as music production. Her school just had the morning news, and she did not participate in that. Wants to apply to Dodge as her first choice major. Likely will be full pay or close to it.

Does anyone have advice or experience re this scenario? I’d like to find stats on ED EA at Chapman and for the film department.

Other schools considering: LMU, Occidental, SCU, Lewis and Clark.

I would say very little chance for Chapman film production major. The overall admit rate for film production last year was 8%. Music production will offer a better chance.

LMU also has a single digit acceptance rate AFAIK. What about Cal College for the Arts or Cal Institute of Arts?

Does your D want to stay on the west coast? If not she might look at DePaul, Ithaca, Emerson, SUNY Purchase and Syracuse. Some of those might be reaches with little experience too though, you just have to do the research.

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Agree with @Mwfan1921 that chance of acceptance to Chapman’s film/TV production program is very low. It is one of the most selective programs in the country. My oldest graduated from Chapman several years ago with a degree in Music Performance. She had a good friend in the Film Program. The film applicants had extensive portfolios of their work and tons of experience in the field prior to admission.

I will say that Chapman is a wonderful school, excellent academics and a really strong voice and theater program. Wondering if your daughter loves the school, might she consider another major such as theater or voice? Many students double major, the school and faculty seem generally very supportive of students pursuing even very diverse interests.

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Thank you for weighing in. Unfortunately she is being a little hard headed about it, but I’m hoping she would consider trying for a production minor. Allegedly people are able to get classes (I asked on the tour).

She is going to stay here in California but would consider Pacific Northwest and Colorado in non-rural areas.

Another area of interest is digital art. She’s very attracted to the entertainment industry but kind of still figuring things out.

She has perfect (absolute) pitch and I’d love to see her get into music production. Some of the schools seem to have more of a classical music program. I think we need to do more last minute research.

With the ED date less than 2 weeks away, has she been working on something for the Creative Supplement? Among other elements, a 2-minute film is required for the Visual Sample.

Nope :upside_down_face:

@Mefan1921 is looking for residential, probably suburban, mid-size private. Lmk if you have any more suggestions, thanks! It would be ideal if she had the flexibility to go in undecided and move into these majors. California, Pacific Northwest, Colorado. Not a hot climate.

Dodge has a sound design minor. Perhaps this would be of interest in connection with a music major?

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That’s the angle she’s trying for and she would make a great one.

Good luck! Chapman’s film/tv production major feels tough because it covers so many specialty aspects of the industry under one umbrella and has the lowest acceptance rates of all the Dodge majors. On our tour, we got the sense that if you are flexible with majors, you can still get a lot of relevant classes with a minor or other Dodge major.

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I know a student who was admitted to Chapman for film production but ended up not attending — maybe due to cost?

The student enrolled at San Diego State which has a Television, Film, and New Media program. The school also has extensive music programs, including a major emphasizing recording technology. I have zero idea of the difficulty of getting into either department and don’t know specifics. Just wanted to let you know someone who was similarly drawn to Chapman found a home at SDSU, so it may be another possibility for you.


Here is the link to that San Diego State MRTAD program in the School of Music and Dance. Audition portfolio requirements are described here.

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Our D23 was admitted RD to Chapman for Creative Producing. She had a 95% GPA and applied TO. She grew up in Los Angeles, but attended high school in the NE. In the end, after attending admitted student events in NYC, she chose Emerson because she felt it was a better fit.

Daughter was also admitted to San Diego State for TFM but chose not to pursue there because it’s an impacted program and you’re only admitted as a pre-major and would need to submit a portfolio spring of freshman year with no guarantees.


Thank you.