<p>I’ll remind everyone that whohuh is the one who was asking the original question, so it’s the information he provided that I will use as a reference.</p>
<li><p>You don’t want to take “math” (probably you mean the continuous-variable analytic math, like calculus) and physics.</p></li>
<li><p>The Comp. Eng. curriculum requirements include 4 more “math” and 3 more “physics” courses than the Comp. Sci. curriculum requirements do.</p></li>
<li><p>Therefore, ceteris paribus, you should not major in Comp. Eng.</p></li>
<p>Moreover, the “architecture” classes that you’re probably interested in taking probably don’t have any of those math or physics courses as prerequisites anyway. That means you’ll be able to take all but the most physics- and math-based courses in the Comp. Eng. curriculum anyway.</p>
<p>CS focuses on discrete math and software at a somewhat higher level than does CE. But you can take electives in some of the lower-level architecture and software-engineering courses. For instance, here’s what I’ve taken over the years in computers/electronics as a CS major:</p>
<p>(Programming Fundamentals / Basics)
Introduction to SE
Programming I
Programming II (or Data Structures)
Software Construction</p>
Programming Languages
Discrete Mathematics
Formal Language Theory</p>
<p>(Software Engineering)
Software Modeling and Design
Real-Time and Embedded Computing
Software Process
Software Quality Assurance</p>
Digital Logic Circuits
Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Operating Systems
Computer Networks
Computer Architecture</p>
<p>As you can see, a CS major has afforded me a broad exposure to fundamentals of computing. I can’t imagine a CE major getting much more than that… perhaps more on the EE side, but that stuff just doesn’t appeal to me as much as the theory and SE.</p>