Advice on dorms?

<p>I was considering Tutweiler at first since I’m planning on rushing, but seeing as how I haven’t even payed my enrollment deposit yet, I’m assuming I won’t be able to get in (right?).
So, my other options would be honors housing or a community-style dorm.
I’m more drawn to the community-style dorms because I’ve heard they’re more social, and since I’m out of state, I really want to be able to meet lots of new people easily. My one friend (not at UA) said she’s become friends with almost everybody on her floor. However, on all the things I’ve read about the “best dorms”, people never mention them. Is there a reason for that? I don’t mind if they’re not as nice as honors dorms, as long as they’re lively and fun!
As for honors housing, I think it sounds like a nice set-up with the suites and such. Plus it’ll be nice to have 3 other roommates versus just one. However, I’ve heard these dorms are a lot quieter and not as social, which is a big drawback for me.
So, any reviews or opinions?
Also, besides Tutweiler, where else do sorority girls tend to live?
I’d prefer a co-ed dorm too btw</p>