I am a current freshmen attending Texas A&M university in my fall semester. My goal is to transfer to the University of Texas after the year is over. I have the opportunity to accept credit for Physics C mechanics, which I received a 5 on. I am wondering if it would look better on my transfer application to accept it and make an A in some other science course (you must take a science course per semester at A&M in order to apply to an engineering major) or take the class here on campus and risk hurting my GPA. I understand that GPA plays a big role in external transfer applications, so I am tempted to take the easy way out and accept my credit.
My schedule for the fall and spring semesters are as follows:
Gen Chem for engineers
Chem Lab
Calc III
Political science
Engineering class 1
Differential equations
Engineering class 2
Some other elective
Science class or physics: mechanics