So I’m taking Chemistry I Honors now, and I took HOPE last summer. This coming summer, I’m taking AP Environmental Science, and next year I’m planning on taking AP Computer Science.
So I’ve seen the many of the AP classes, so I know a bit about what they’re like. I’ll make you 2 lists (what I reccomentd and don’t recommend) and tell you some info about each class:
NOT Recommended:
-AP US History: This class is basically one giant essay. There are a ton of essays to do. Other than that, according to other CC people, the tests have a lot of info not taught in the lessons. FLVS has a 32% pass rate for the AP Exam, as opposed to 42% in the state, and 50% in the nation in 2014.
-AP US Gov: The tests are known to have tiny details and info not taught in the lessons.
-AP Environmental Science- There is some busy work, but overall, the course teaches the class very well and prepares you for the AP Exam well. Just as a note, there are 10 chapters, and each chapter has about 8-10 lessons that are usually pretty short.
-AP Statistics- This class is known to be a lot of work, but as with APES, it teaches the material well. There is a 65% pass rate on the AP Exam, as opposed to the national 57% pass rate in 2014. As a note, this is the only Math class with an AP exam pass rate higher than the national average.
-AP Computer Science- This is a very rigorous class, but FLVS is the best place to take it. FLVS teaches the material SOOOO well. FLVS had a 94% pass rate on the AP Exam in 2014, compared with a 67% national pass rate. Plus, the material is known to be interesting. This class also tends to have more grade forgiveness than many others. I’m actually really excited for this class
(plus, you should take it so we can do Collaboration assignments together
-AP Human Geography- Frankly, this is a super easy class, no matter where you take it.
So, Honors Chemistry I is super easy
If you want to finish in 1 school year, you only need to do about 3 assignments per week, and each one takes less than an hour usually. If you take it in 1 semester like I am, it takes about 5 assignments per week, and you probably will spend about 3-4 hours per week on it. There is a lot more math involved than I was expecting, but it’s pretty simple. The material is super easy to get. For most of it, you just need to read through it and take a few notes. However, there are a few more complicated mathy lessons (stoichiometry is sooo much math), but for those, you just need to watch a few of the teaching videos that they provide to understand it. I would recommend this class if you’re thinking about taking it.
Just a warning about FLVS in general, your teacher really makes a huge difference. For example, many teachers do online question sessions on this thing called “Blackboard Collaborate”. You can ask questions and the teacher can speak and write to answer them. In most honors/regular classes, if your teacher doesn’t do them often, it’s fine because you can go to another teacher’s. However, with AP classes, there is only 1 or 2 teachers (depending on the class), so if you don’t have a great teacher, you’re pretty much stuck. Also, sometimes your teacher will take 3 weeks just to do one Discussion based assessment (which you have to do one per chapter) and you’ll get very frustrated because you can’t move on and you’re trying to finish the class fast, and the teacher makes it really hard (sorry, I need to rant about my Chemistry teacher lol)
Another thing I want to mention is that if there is an honors version available, ALWAYS ALWAYS take it. Honors level classes literally only contain about an extra few assignments. For example, in chemistry, there are about 7 regular lessons per chapter, and only 1 to 2 honors lessons. They’re super easy! I can not say enough, ALWAYS TAKE HONORS IF ITS AVAILABLE 
Just as a note, I’m not on FLVS full time, I take it in addition to my daily 7 classes. 
I don’t know what grade you’re in, or what classes you’ve taken, but many AP Classes have prerequisites. (2 science classes for APES, Algebra 2 for APCS). Good luck choosing classes!