Advice on getting into UW Madison?

Hi! I was hoping to get some advice on my chances. I am currently a junior and this is my top choice college.

live in Illinois and go to a very competitive and rigorous high school
education major with minor in physics
current UW GPA: 3.73
current UW academic GPA: 3.5 (I didn’t do well at all my first semester of freshman year so I’m definitely going to raise this in my senior year)
ACT: 29
I took one AP class sophomore year (psychology) and am planning on taking three my senior year (physics 1, French, and English) but I’m worried four won’t be enough
No honors freshman year but two advanced classes (English and history), one honors sophomore year (French), three honors junior year (French, math, and biology), and two honors senior year (astronomy and math). I have also done orchestra honors each year.
Strong EC’s (a mix of religious activities, community service, school clubs, my job which is great for my intended major, and tons of fine arts credits in orchestra, film, and dance). In the clubs I am involved in, I am on each board.

I’m open to any advice I can get! Thanks so much!

Just do you best in class/grades and work to increase your ACT score. 29 is a bit iffy. With some practice and studying many students can move their ACT score multiple points. Your application would look much different with an ACT 32 for example.

Thanks for the advice, it really helped! One more thing— do you think my GPA is decent for Madison or would it prevent me from getting in? I know they’re sticklers for high GPA.

Also, one thing I can say from being an OOS Illinois applicant, decisions are unpredictable. You can have such a high ACT and still not get in. But, one thing I can say from someone who scored a 21 on the ACT, being involved, but only in things that you are really passionate about and can write a lot about, do them. Set yourself apart, because people like me who scored a 21, it’s extremly rare for theses cases to happen, but I’m letting you know it’s possible. Don’t let a score define you, but rather you define it.

btw- UW does not have minors. It has comprehensive majors. An improving gpa (such as dropping your bad freshman one) helps. Junior year is the last year seen for admissions, but continue to do well. You need a good knowledge base and study habits no matter where you go to college.

@wis75 Thanks for the advice! I just have one clarification question-- maybe I misinterpreted this while doing research on the school but in the school of education at Madison, can’t teacher education students have minors in their particular/additional subject?

@kour7859 for the elementary education major, you are correct that there are content focused minors. Here is the link to the Guide (anyone interested in applying to UW really needs to read the Guide) with information regarding the School of Education and the elementary education major.